Streaming Media & The Democratization of Content

streaming-media-concept-video-35638709 I consume my fair share of streaming content. Between Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, Pandora, Songza, Spotify, and YouTube, I get a lot of my entertainment this way and rely on it every day. It's the way of the future with new original content coming out on some of these services as well as them being an important tool for discovering different content that would otherwise go unnoticed. This is why I'm a big supporter of these platforms. They democratize the consumption of content, allowing for more people to enjoy more awesome things whenever they want and however they want. I see that as a pretty positive thing. Unfortunately there are some critics out there and especially with death knells like net neutrality lingering out there which threaten the thriving ecosystem of the Internet, I feel now is as good a time as ever to reinforce the positives of streaming media services.


As I mentioned before, people are now able to enjoy whatever they want, whenever they want. This could mean that I can watch news on the train, silly videos in bed, or listen to podcasts when I work out. This empowers people to be more informed, relaxed, and makes things like commutes or long drives more enjoyable and bearable. I don't see anything wrong with that! Obviously we all can't binge Netflix all the time, but we now can consume quick bits wherever we are so that we stay connected to what is important to us.


With the wide open access of content available currently, it is amazing the incredible diversity of content that is out there. Small, independent music, television, and podcasts can reach a wide audience or even just simply connect with their niche of fans. Whatever the topic or genre of content, there is sure to be an audience for it and there isn't an establishment saying that it doesn't track well with the mainstream. We can all be our weird, fun, uniquely authentic selves and it's okay!


A big part of this that I enjoy is the community I see online around YouTube channels, Spotify playlists, or even niche television shows (like Community, House of Cards, Sleepy Hollow, Orange is the New Black, Arrow/The Flash, or even Scandal) where every piece of new content is an event and is talked about, shared, and remixed, mashed up, or fan art is created inspired by it. It's great to see passionate people come together to connect over their mutual love of something. It can be huge for a lot of us lonely geeks and nerds out there who may feel like we are alone in enjoying whatever we're into. It's important to find others to geek out with!

Streaming media services are here to say, regardless of what people like Taylor Swift say or hopefully whatever comes of the net neutrality decision. Support your favorite independent content, share awesome stuff you find with friends, and keep streaming my friends!

Thanks for stopping by!

What I'm Geeking Out About This Week - 08/29/14


Welcome to another episode in my life of geekiness!

I'm still pretty busy this week but this should be the end of it, as the students move in here to Husson University this weekend so next week will be the beginning of classes and some semblance of a more routine flow in my life. I feel bad for not having the brain power or energy to devote to new blog posts but I also wouldn't want to interrupt my usual weekly series so I'm whipping up something quick for you all to let you know I'm thinking of you! Enjoy!

I've expressed my love of coffee a few times before. I think I've also mentioned that Starbucks is my usual weapon of choice, either by my own coffee maker or making a pilgrimage to a store. Especially during chaotic weeks like this past one, getting my signature grande vanilla iced coffee with soy always helps me keep chugging along with energy and enthusiasm!

  • Music

During my late nights in the office and just plugging in during the day to get work done, I've been listening to a lot of music via the cool streaming services, some of which I've talked about before, namely Songza and Spotify. Their respective playlists always connect to whatever mood I'm in and saves me the grunt work of figuring out something to listen to. I've discovered a lot of cool new music through these methods too, which is great! I know I'll keep maximizing this flow when I'm in my office regularly during the academic year.

  • Students

This one is another sort of broad, general one. I've been working with and getting to know my student staff members over the past two weeks. I just have to gush that they're a great batch of folks. I know everyone says that about their students but I would certainly not lie if I wasn't feeling it. I look forward to getting to know them better and work with them to make this a great year! I furthermore am looking forward to students being here on campus. It's been a quiet summer and I always appreciate the pulse and energy of a college campus when it is in full bloom. That's why I'm here after all!

Thanks for stopping by!