What I'm Geeking Out About This Week - 05/15/15


Good day to you!

Here's what is going on in my world this week:

  • The Flash

Flash's first season has been amazing. It's pretty much everything I could want from a weekly superhero show; fun, action, good characters, and an expansive universe. It's been more entertaining than Arrow's frustrating third season (which is tough since season 2 of Arrow was so awesome). Next week's episode is the season finale and I'm excited for what they'll tease for season 2. They've already laid out a lot of groundwork for things to come, and I can't wait to see what they do next.

  • Agents of SHIELD

This past week was the season 2 finale for SHIELD, and this has been an interesting ride for the show so far. It feels like it has gone in a really intriguing new direction with introducing the Inhumans and focusing a bit more on superpowered people while still holding to the basic premise of the show; being about ordinary people in an extraordinary world. While it still doesn't hold up as well to some of the other comic book shows I watch (Flash and Arrow), it is still an awesome companion to the ever expanding (and fun) Marvel Cinematic Universe. I foresee it playing an increasingly important role to the films, filling in gaps and establishing backstory to the events of the films. The show is definitely worth looking into if you're a fan of the MCU.

CBS recently released an extended first look at their new superhero series (check it out above), which does a great job of showcasing the background and vibe of the show. Going for a more fun, lighthearted feeling, Supergirl looks like it is going to stake out its own place in the growing crowd of comic book shows on TV right now. I'm looking forward to seeing something different and am happy to see a female led superhero show come to the fray and hold her own with the likes of Arrow, Flash, SHIELD, and the new Legends of Tomorrow. Her and Agent Carter are important role models and are just awesome shows (or at least look like they should be in Supergirl's case).

Thanks for stopping by!