Geek Shows On the Horizon We Can't Wait to Binge

It’s a golden age for fans of TV shows, streaming, binge watching and geeky TV. Every other week a new show is announced that makes geeks and nerds feel like they are eight years old ago. So, let’s look at some of the incredibly new (and old) shows that are going to be available towards the end of this year and into 2018.


The Punisher

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Daredevil Season 2 might have been a mixed bag, and The Defenders didn’t quite live up to the hype. Combined with the the weird pacing of Luke Cage and the controversy surrounding Iron Fist, the Marvel Netflix shows have been on a slightly downward slope lately. However, we’re confident that in November that’s all about to change because we get the punished. Arguably, this character was the brightest part of Daredevil Season 2, and Jon Bernthal has brought the character to life in a new and exciting way. The full trailer is right here and we’re eager to see what Marvel have in store for this dark and bloody character with what is hopefully a truly epic full season arc. Expect this one to drop around November.


Stranger Things Returns

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Just in time for Halloween, Stranger Things is returning. We’ve already had tantalizing teases with the boys in Ghostbusters costumes and posters resembling those of classic horror movies. We’ve got so many questions. Will eleven return? Almost definitely but how is a completely different question. According to, season 2 has a one-year time jump, so we’ll certainly have a lot to catch up when we return to that eerie American town at the end of October.


Young Justice Season 3 (Finally!)

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Cartoon Network viewers were truly heartbroken when Young Justice was canceled because...not enough toys were sold. WB should have realized that the demographic for this show was significantly older than they expected with a loyal fanbase made up of a significant amount of students. But now it’s returning with the original voice cast, the original show runner and a story revolving around meta human trafficking. It doesn’t sound like the TV show is going to shy away from the deep, complex storylines that made it such a hit. But where is it going to be released and when? While it seemed likely that Young Justice would hit Netflix at some point, WB has opted instead to create their own streaming service. Along with all their existing and older shows this service will include one other, exciting piece of original content.



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Or rather, Teen Titans, except they can’t call it that incase it’s confused with the humorous yet shallow Teen Titans Go. The cast has slowly been unveiled, and we know it’s releasing in 2018. That’s all the information we have on this show. We do know it’s a live action series. But we’re not even sure whether it’s a half hour dramedy or a full hour action adventure drama. It could even be linked to the DCEU, and it’s the mystery that perhaps makes this one so exciting. You read more about this on


So which one of these shows will be distracting you from your work? Or, are you planning on binge watching all of them?

Summer Movie Musings: Captain America - Civil War

Civil War is an embarrassment of riches, as this third outing for Captain America features a bunch of other superheroes, as well as the introduction of Spider-Man and Black Panther to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

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