What I'm Geeking Out About This Week - 02/27/15


Greetings! Here's what is going on in my world this week:

** EDIT: Condolences to the family of Leonard Nimoy, who passed away today at the age of 83. You will be missed.

  • Parks and Recreation Series Finale

I watched the finale the day after it aired with my partner (we wanted to watch together) and I was very pleased with how they sent off the series. While it is really hard to ever live up to the high expectations of a series finale, Parks and Recreation definitely went out on top. This entire final season was awesome and should serve as a textbook for other sitcom finales. I foresee this show being one I'll go back to and watch again and again. It cements itself as a classic show that will surely stand the test of time. Thanks for the memories, Parks and Recreation!

  • Avengers: Age of Ultron

Some new little tidbits about the film came out from unexpected places. The official movie poster for Age of Ultron came out, and some awesome nerds discovered some interesting cast listings, such as Anthony Mackie, Idris Elba, and Hayley Atwell (some having been rumored, others thought not to be in the film). I'm particularly excited for Anthony Mackie to be featured in the film in some capacity since I know he is passionate about the role of the Falcon. All of them are awesome actors with equally awesome characters so I'm glad they're all in the movie (they all also add some diversity to the film). We've also gotten some better looks at Vision recently, which also make me happy. I can't wait for this movie!!!

  • House of Cards Season 3

I've been looking forward to this since the end of last season. This Netflix exclusive series is an amazing dramatic political thriller led by the incomparable Kevin Spacey. Having Frank Underwood as the President of the United States only makes the stakes higher and the intrigue more deep. I'm intrigued to see what he does with his new power or if it stifles him and he loses everything he worked so hard to obtain. I'm not sure when I'll get to watch all the episodes so I'll have to do my best to avoid any spoilers! Definitely check out seasons 1 & 2 on Netflix if you haven't already. They're awesome television!

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