How To Land A Career In The Sports Industry

A career in sports is one of those things that a lot of people dream about but only a select few actually pursue. There are so many people that give up on their hopes of making a career in the sports industry because they just don’t think it’s realistic. They bow to outside pressure to go for a safe career rather than shoot for something they’re really passionate about. But the truth is, there’s no reason why you can’t have a career in sports if you really want it. The first thing to remember is that you don’t have to be a player to work in sports. Not everybody will make it as the next superstar but there are all sorts of other jobs you can look for in the sports industry. Another big misconception that people have about the sports industry is that people get into it after one lucky break. Not everybody that works in sports was picked up by a scout at a college game. For some people, it does work that way but not always. There are plenty of people that got into the sports industry later in life after years of hard work. If you’re considering pursuing a career in sports but you don’t really know where to start, here are some handy tips.



Study Your Chosen Sport

Studying your chosen sport is important and there are a few different ways to do it. Firstly, you need to make sure that you’re watching games regularly and analysing them properly. It’s also important that you’re playing as much as you can and keeping up to date with any developments in strategies and rules in your chosen sport.

Living and breathing you sport is one way to study it, but what a lot of people don’t realize is that you can study a lot of sports in the more traditional sense. Did you realize, for example, that there are a lot of great golf schools out there where you can get professional tutorage and learn how to be a better player? That’s just one example and you might not be able to find schools for every sport but it’s definitely worth looking into.


You’re not going to land a job in the sports industry without any experience which is why volunteering is so important. It’s the best way to get experience and it’ll also help you to make valuable connections which can help you later on in your career when you start looking for paid positions. There are plenty of local sports organizations and leagues that are always looking for a bit of extra help. If you get in touch and let them know that you’re interested in volunteering, they’ll be happy to accommodate you.

Highlight Your Skills

Now that you’ve got some good experience and you’ve taken any relevant courses that you can find, it’s time to start looking for positions if you’re not going to pursue a career as a player. When you’re applying, it’s important that you highlight your skills as well as your experience. Think about what you learned while you were volunteering and focus your applications around that.

Finding work in the sports industry is difficult but it is possible for you to find your dream career if you’re willing to put the work in.

College Rejection: You Need These Inspiring Alternatives

For many young people, getting a higher education at college or university is the first and most common-sense choice. However, life doesn’t always go to plan and there may be things that get in the way of you achieving your goals. For example, illness could get in the way of you finishing your exams or you may be rejected by your desired colleges. It can seem like your world is falling apart and you may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, not being able to get a degree right now doesn’t mean you’re out of options. Take a look at these alternatives for some inspiration on what to do next.


Start a Business

Did you know that 14% of the current American workforce is self-employed and operate a business entirely on their own? Working for yourself has never been more possible than it is now. In fact, thanks to the wonders of the internet, it doesn’t cost much to set up a business either. There’s now far more advantage in operating an ecommerce store than there is a bricks and mortar store, not to mention all the costs you’ll avoid. If you think you need a degree to manage a business well and make a good earning, think again. Names like Richard Branson, Walt Disney and Bill Gates come to mind, none of which had a degree. Sometimes, all it takes is a good idea, passion and some perseverance.


Community College

There seems to be some kind of snobbery when it comes to the thought of community college, but there shouldn’t be. Learning is learning, no matter where you are or how you do it. You may not be able to gain the type of degree you were hoping for at community college, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be of use. In fact, there are many benefits to going straight from high school to community college. The first is that it doesn’t cost anywhere near as much as a degree does, so it’s more affordable for families on a low income. The second is that it makes the transition into a degree much more bearable. You’ll learn what it takes to study intensely at a gradual pace, rather than being thrown right in the deep end. See what’s on offer and you could come away with everything you need to start a career where you can climb the ladder. You may even find that you beat your fellow students, who have a degree, to the same spot.


Trade Work

If all you want is a career that will remain secure for the foreseeable future, going into a trade is an ideal choice. Trades like, building, plumbing or electrics will always be of value to people. When you’ve developed the skills you need and have the certifications to prove it, you have two choices. You can either work for a trades company or startup your own business. Because you’ll have skills that are in high demand, you’ll have a certain amount of flexibility. You can often do your vocational training at a technical school. The courses are full-time and affordable and once you’re finished you’re likely to be making the same kind of salary as someone with a degree, if not more. One of the other benefits is that you’re almost guaranteed a job as soon as you finish your studies, unlike graduates who are just leaving college. It often takes a graduate up to year to find a suitable job because there are so many people applying for the same roles.


Follow Your Passion

Do you enjoy painting? Why not try and sell some of your work? Following a passion doesn’t just have to be a hobby. These days, there are many people interested in bespoke work because everyone wants to be unique. It’s much easier now to turn a passion into a salary. Whether you enjoy writing, creating music or sports, there will be a way to make money from it too. However, establishing a career out of your passion can take time and money. So, it’s often a choice of which do you want the most – a degree or a career you’re passionate about. Studying a degree will mean that your passions may have to take a side line and you’ll probably leave college with a significant amount of debt.


Gap Year

Just because you didn’t get into college this year, it doesn’t mean you can’t try again next year. In the meantime, you could use the time you have to travel the world and gain some more insight about life and yourself. This is an option many students are voluntarily taking. One, because it’s a break from studying, and two, because travelling has a way of maturing you that college just can’t offer. Being out in the world, on your own, will teach you things you can’t learn in a classroom. You’ll have the advantage of gaining some real life skills, which employers value highly. It will teach you to manage your finances well, be accepting of other ways of living and different cultures and you may change your mind entirely about what you want for the future. It’s likely that you’ll have to work while you’re travelling to ensure you have the money to live properly. Having those jobs on your resume, as well as an eventual degree, could put you ahead of the competition.


Volunteer Work

Volunteering can be rewarding for many reasons. Perhaps you’ve lived with dogs your whole life and would like to volunteer at a dog rescue or you have a passion for working with children and would like to volunteer at a children’s charity. Although you may not be paid for your time, it doesn’t mean volunteer work isn’t worth doing. In fact, it can often open many doors. If you’re passionate about what you’re doing and enjoy giving back, it may be noticed. It’s not impossible to climb up the ladder and get offered a paid position. Even if it doesn’t amount to anything, volunteer work looks great on a resume. It shows you’re willing to work, even when you’re getting very little for it. Volunteering is also a great way to build character, and it teaches you to think positively about life.



Becoming an apprentice is like killing two birds with one stone. Firstly, you’ll be gaining qualifications and experience on the job, which is often more valuable than learning something in theory. Secondly, you’ll get paid for your work. It may not be much, but at least you’ll be earning something while you’re studying. Take a look at what’s on offer, like nursing vacancies. It also means you won’t have to pay to gain your qualifications. It’s the best way to become skilled at what you do because you don’t have the option of making mistakes. The only downside to an apprenticeship is that they’re becoming so popular, you often have to compete with large numbers if you want a spot.


The Armed Forces

Many parents try to steer their teens away from joining the armed forces because they’re scared of the potential dangers. That’s understandable, but for many people, the armed forces is an ideal choice. Perhaps you enjoy fitness, have good coordination and quick reaction times. Maybe you thrive under pressure and believe you could serve your country well. If you’re willing to accept the fact that the job is dangerous and you may lose friends during your time serving, the army could offer you more than a job. It often becomes a second home too.

Whatever you decide, know that you have plenty of options.

Turn These Geek Skills Into Job Opportunities

Just a few years ago, no one wanted to be labeled a ‘geek’. However, these days lots of people are proud to be called a geek. And you shouldn’t just be a geek in your personal time either. In fact, all of those geeky skills and talents that you have could translate very nicely into your full-time job. Want to know which skills it’s a good idea to try and cultivate in your geeky hobbies? Here are some of the best.

Photo: Pixabay

Tinkering With Hard Drives

Lots of geeks are very good with their hands. They use them to play around with hard drives and other hardware. But you shouldn’t leave this as just a hobby. In fact, there are now lots of companies who are desperately searching for IT workers who have practical skills in building computers and other machinery. To take this skill further, sign up for a college or night school course in computers and hardware.


Exceptional Knowledge

Lots of geeks are highly knowledgeable and have an incredible amount of information stored away in their brains! And, more often than not, all of this knowledge can be very much focused on one very unique subject. Why not use this to your advantage? It can certainly help you get some well-paid, niche work. For instance, if you know a whole lot about biology and the human body, you might want to start the Ultimate Medical Academy's Health and Human Services Program. Or, for example, if you are well-versed in the economy and finances, then you might want to join an economics program and become a financial advisor.

Photo: Pixabay

Computer Data Whizz

Geeks often know about common computer data and software. As a result of this knowledge, they are often highly skilled in wiping computer data and protecting it from potential hackers and virus attacks. This is another skill that many companies now want their employees to have. As hackers and other online security threats are becoming a lot more sophisticated, businesses want to hire people who are always one step ahead and can help to protect their computer networks. You might be surprised to see just how much this knowledge can raise your salary by!


Developing Apps

Quite a few people have now taught themselves the skills that they need to develop their own apps. For many people, this is just a hobby that they do in their spare time. If this sounds like something you do in your free time, have you ever thought about making more of a go of it and carving out your very own career in software development? You could start off as a freelancer first and then, once you have gained some experience, could start to apply for full-time work with a company.

As you can see, your geeky skills and talents don’t have to be something that you keep to your spare time. There are plenty of chances you can turn them into a very lucrative career! Got any more ideas? Let us know!

Turn Your Experise Into Cash

People tend to get trapped into believing that the only way to make money is by getting up, going to work, and bringing home the bacon. Well we’re here to tell you: that is complete nonsense. Being told “follow your dream” or “turn your passion into your job” might sound like cliched, unhelpful advice, it isn’t a million miles away from the truth. Because the truth is that anybody, absolutely anybody can take what they love and make money from it. We’re not saying you’ll become a millionaire (though dream big!), but if you’ve got a passion that you know others also enjoy, you could build a sizable side income that could one day become a full time gig. Sound good? Of course it does! Here’s how it’s done.



Helping out the Newbies

Most people go to a tutor to help with their English or Science or whatever else, but they also need help getting better at whatever their passion is. No, forget that - they want help. It can be anything from language to guitar to helping a would-be Hemingway improve his or her creative writing skills. If you live in a busy urban area, post an ad around town and in the shops related to your activity. Charging by the hour for a few hours a week can bring in a healthy monthly top up to your income.


On the Web

If your passion is travelling, then why on earth have you not started a travel blog? In all likelihood, you have a ton of knowledge about how to get to A from B cheaply, the best hotels to stay in during a trip to Prague, the absolutely most amazing ship trips you can take in South America, and so on. People who want to travel want to read that stuff, and before they’re on their own adventures, they’re reading it a lot - online! Make yours the site they get the info from.



Make it to Print

You don’t have to sit around waiting for a book publisher to give you a deal: do it yourself! By releasing a book to the world, you can make a passive income that most people would take as their full time wage. If you’re an expert on, say, World of Warcraft, then put down all your knowledge into a few chapters, get an online book printing quote, and get it out there for all the other World of Warcraft obsessives to buy.


And...No Imposter Syndrome, Please

There are plenty of people out there who think “but I can’t write a book/start a blog/sell my expertise, there are others out there better than me…”. Maybe there are, but they’re not the ones taking a proactive approach: you are. In the process of getting your expertise out there, you’ll learn that you really do have a lot to offer on the subject, especially if it's been your passion for years and years. In any case, you shouldn’t care if you’re suffering from imposter syndrome - so long as the money keeps rolling in and people love what you’re doing!