What I'm Geeking Out About This Week - 08/22/14


Welcome to another week of my perpetual geek outs!

Since I didn't want to not post this week and having been busy recently with my job, I'm going to do something a little different this time around. This is a forward looking edition of what I'm geeking out about. I'm going to share some books I looking forward to geeking out about so hopefully we can read along together in the coming months. Enjoy!

I want to tackle these three distinct books for a variety of personal interests so I hope you can check out one or all of them!

Thanks for stopping by!

Why I Love Scott Pilgrim, The Books

scott_pilgrim_box_set_poster_by_whoisrico-d2zvrh6Last week I shared my love of the Scott Pilgrim movie, this week I want to give a shoutout to to the great books that inspired that great movie. The story, split into six books, covers Scott's trials with Ramona's seven evil exes and his journey toward finally growing up and accepting the failures of his life. The book is drawn in a great "manga" sort of style and the dialogue is great. It is very referential to all the sorts of things I know and love and it has that sort of geeky augmented reality that those of us that play video games for far too long can easily relate to.

The Scott Pilgrim movie, when compared to the books is a sort of loosely adapted cliff notes version of the books, glossing over some of the nuances and tightening the story for what makes for an awesome film that has a great pace and still captures the spirit of the books. I enjoy both in their own ways, and was inspired to read the books after watching the movie. It gave a more fleshed out world to dive into and allowed for all the characters to be featured more and the whole experience was fun, readable, and engaging read.

I have this awesome box set that I got as a gift a few years ago that comes with a cool poster too (pictured above). For anyone who loved the movie or just loves great comics, check out these great books, which are now also being re-released in full color!

Thanks for stopping by!

Book Review: American Nerd

american-nerd The 2009 book, American Nerd: The Story of My People, written by Benjamin Nugent, is an exploration of the history behind the word "nerd" intermixed with stories from Nugent's past. It reads like a long blog post or magazine article on the subject, covering the wide breadth of the issue of bias toward nerds. I just finished reading it and I found it to be a light, engaging read on the subject, a tad different from my previous review of Nerds by David Anderegg. Anderegg is an academic and Ph.D, while Nugent is a writer, which definitely benefits the latter in the feel of the book. They cover very similar territory but where American Nerd differs is in the personal stories and a more thorough delving into the history, where Nerds goes more into why the bias against nerds is bad by extrapolating about what it means for our future.

I found Nugent's anecdotal stories from his past to be spot on of my own experience with fellow young nerds back in the day. The reasons why people are "nerdy" are highly complex and diverse. It might be an escape or it might be a bonding mechanism, both of which can take varying shapes. Nugent also gives a nice overview of different aspects of nerd culture for those who may be unaware, which I appreciate since it allows for this book to lean towards a wider audience.

This book is great for simply existing and expanding the conversation of the issues facing the geek/nerd community. I'm excited to keep engaging in the literature behind the debate so that I can be the best informed I can be. I definitely recommend this book as a great place to start for anyone interested.

Check back soon for another review! Thanks for stopping by!

Book Review: The I's Have It

71Id5dCTjPL._SL1500_So I just blew through this book recently and enjoyed it's perspective not only on introversion but on it's impact on student affairs work. As I get ready to emerge into the field, I look forward to utilizing this text and recommending it to others to more fully understand how I work and operate on a daily basis. It's a quick, fun, easy read for a lazy weekend coming up so check it out and support the author, Amma Marfo, (who is a fellow student affairs professional no less!). I'll keep some book recommendations coming as I begin to read a lot more frequently on my train rides and while waiting for flights and things.