How the #SASearch is Just Like Dating


"So while you brush up your resume and cover letter, maybe you should also watch some romantic comedies while you're at it."

I was hanging out with some of my fellow graduate school friends the other day while I was back around Rutgers. We were talking about the job search we went through and how other folks are about to go through it which reminded me of a great metaphor I kept sharing with my cohort while we were all trudging through applications and interviews. It is how the student affairs job search process is a lot like dating when you think about it.

From the very first stages of perusing job postings to the campus interviews, it is the same process that one goes through for dating. I'll go through this chronologically how either of these situations would typically happen, and you can immediately see what I'm talking about.

So when you decide you're ready for something new, you figure you'll go see what's out there and who is looking for somebody. You have your standards that you aren't willing to negotiate and maybe some that you are. You might try to send some signals at the beginning to get their attention, and then you'll lay out who you are with some zing and zest. You both hit it off and you start leaving little notes and treats for each other. They might ask to see you again, you start meeting people they know, and it feels like it's all getting to be pretty serious. They eventually invite you over to see their place, you see where they live, and you can really feel like this is a match. You can really see yourself here together. They ask you to move in and then it's happily ever after. Well, until you see how they really are, and after a few years you might be ready to move onto the next one.

So while you brush up your resume and cover letter, maybe you should also watch some romantic comedies while you're at it.

Thanks for stopping by!

What I'm Geeking Out About This Week - 08/08/14


Good tidings!

Welcome to another week of what I am geeking out about. Check out what is going on in my nerdy life below!

I've followed Dr. Nerdlove's advice blog for the past year or so and have always enjoyed what he puts out there. I think it is highly valuable, important, and needed for men today. I have a personal curiosity and interest in dating as a unique form of communication and his nerdy lens creates a great combination that is right up my alley. I think it would be useful to you all as well, men, women, parents, anybody who has someone in their life who is looking for love. You can either learn for yourself or share some pertinent posts from his blog. He is also working on a new book so be on the look out for that as well!

I was a big fan of the Avatar: The Last Airbender show when it was on the air. It was a fun kid's show that had some great messages behind it. Legend of Korra has those same great elements as well as exploring the greater mythology of the show universe and having a great female lead. I've just recently caught up with the current season and this show is a lot of fun to watch. It holds up to the high expectations of its predecessor in its own way, in my opinion. Definitely check it out if you haven't and if you haven't seen the original series, go watch that right now! It is all available on Amazon Prime Instant Video!

Oh, Heroes. You tragic show. This show had so much potential when its first season aired on NBC back in 2006. I was a fan and have found myself stumbling upon old episodes lately out of nostalgia. With the recent news of a reboot, limited series "Heroes Reborn" coming in 2015, you should definitely watch the first season of this show now, if you haven't before. It is great television. The entire series is streaming on both Netflix and Hulu Plus. Watch the other four seasons at your own risk, as the quality just falls precipitously as the show goes on.

Thanks for stopping by!

Dr. NerdLove - "Leveling Up: Giving Up Control"

"Accept rejection. Learn from it whenever you can. But don’t waste time trying to avoid it."

This recent article from the fantastic site, Doctor NerdLove, goes into a topic that can resonate for a lot of people for different reasons. Learning to let go can be one of the most challenging tasks, no matter what it is you're holding on to. With this struggle however, comes great rewards. The feeling of freedom from negative thoughts, suffering, and generally unnecessary brain baggage can allow for success in all parts of your life. Accepting challenge as an opportunity, rejection as a teachable moment, and focusing on what you can control (yourself) rather than holding on to everything else outside hoping it will change will make you into a more confident, productive, and happy person. I guarantee it!

Check out Dr. Nerdlove on social media and at his site for plenty more romantic resources. 

Take care!