Being Sturdy With Your Study! Surviving Your Final Year

For any of us engaging in intense study it can be a very difficult period, whether we are just getting back to school or we are gearing up for our last year in college, the last year in school, or gearing up for the last year of an intense doctorate, it means that there's a lot of stress and anxiety. But it also means that you are quite probably struggling in a financial sense, so it's important for you to get ahead of the game by having a few preventative measures in place before embarking on your final year. Some may be simple but some you may not have thought of, so here we go here is the foolproof guide to surviving your final year.


Perfecting Your Study Space

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The fact of the matter is you are going to be intensely engaged in a lot of work throughout your final year so you need to make sure that your study space is not cluttered so you can remain focused and not distracted in any way, shape, or form. The importance of a study space that keeps you focused is not to be underestimated. The fact of the matter is that if you have a cluttered space for learning with piles of books and distractions, you will get overwhelmed by the mammoth tasks ahead. So it's better for you to compartmentalize your tasks and to focus on one task at a time, especially with the amount of information you have to take on board during your last year. You May have piles of books to get through, but this is all about keeping organized rather than getting overwhelmed by every pressing task. Barack Obama popularized the idea of removing decision fatigue, and this is something it's worth thinking about. So if you can remove clutter and distraction from your study space, this will help you to cut down on unnecessary thought patterns. The best way to do it is to have a corner of the room that is distraction free with just a desk and your study material.


Making The Most Of Your Downtime

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While you may be ensconced in your study space for the vast majority of your final year, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself. And if you, like so many other students, are lacking in money, then you need to make the most of your study space. So you could set up your study area to be a gaming area for your free time. It's also a great way for you to have some relaxing downtime while still making the most of your study area and lack of money. So you could invest in a decent gaming center at the start of your study, you while you still have the finances by getting a good quality desk, gaming speakers, as well as the best computer for your budget. It can be difficult to find any decent downtime during your intense final year but don't forget you need to find ways that will relax you and keep you focused, and for many people it may be gaming. But it's also important to not stay cooped up in your study space for the whole of your final year. Make sure you get out once in a while and socialize, because even though studying is the most vital ingredient to beating those final exams you still have to make some time for you. And you may be surprised that in doing so you will find yourself rejuvenated and approach your work with a clearer mind.


Studying is an intense period especially when you have a lot to do when you may think that you won't be able to come, but if you can balance downtime with the right study breaks, you will accomplish it with no problems!