What I'm Geeking Out About This Week - 04/25/14

Geek-and-proud Good tidings to you all! Thanks for stopping by.

Here are some things that I've been geeking out on recently:

So my partner and I just watched a bunch of episodes of this new show after we had both been nudged by multiple people to check it out. We were definitely impressed. It's strongly narrative driven and has a nice dose of sci-fi to keep me hooked. All of the first season is available on Amazon Prime right now and the second season just premiered recently so jump in now since there isn't too much to catch up on.

I just started reading this book since I felt like I needed it. It had been sitting in my Amazon wishlist for some time after an offhand reference by someone peaked my interest. I'm about a third of the way in and it has some powerful advice as well as actionable takeaways to help you live a more zen life. I'm enjoying what it has to say since I'm always all about slowing down and reducing the noise in my life, now this book is helping me maximize to truly achieve that goal.

I'm a big fan of TOMS shoes. I've blogged about them before in varying capacities but just for the record, I own two pairs and their stickers are posted in a few different places around my apartment. They make good products and do good for the world. I couldn't really ask for too much more. I'm going to commit to doing the Day Without Shoes which is next Tuesday, April 29. Even if you can't participate on your own all day, just going for as long as you can as an awareness effort all helps the cause. Look forward to some posts and pictures from the day from me!

Check back every Friday for more awesome geek outs!

Take care and enjoy your weekend!