Do You Want To Enhance Your Gaming Experience? Here’s How

Gaming is one of those things that many people do in their spare time. Many people have different reasons for it. Perhaps gaming and concentrating on one thing helps them focus on other aspects of their lives, maybe it relaxes you or simply you just enjoy it. But how do you enhance your gaming experience? I wanted to share with yous some of the things you could try.


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Branch out and try different things

Maybe you love gaming but perhaps have gotten a little bored of the ones you regularly play? That can happen at time,s and not all of us have the money to buy the latest release. So this is where the internet can be a blessing. Looking online you will find all sorts of games to try. You could try free slots online for a bit of fun, perhaps find a game online that others can join in with, or even download some games from the app store to your phone. We all know how some of them can get very addictive. It isn’t always about what your games console can offer, it is more about finding a game that you enjoy playing.


Create the ideal gaming environment

Enhancing your gaming experience might start with your environment and where you play your games. It could be that you enjoy playing in your living room or perhaps you have your own dedicated space. If you do, you could consider investing in a gaming chair or creating a great little space that is comfortable for you and perhaps friends and family who play with you. It is certainly something to think about and there are plenty of inspiring pictures online on websites like Pinterest to create gaming nooks or rooms.


Play online with and against your friends

Maybe you have just finished the game and not even considered that there is an online version you can join in with, but most gaming series these days do give you the option to play online. This could be a little more competitive and also give you the opportunity to play against friends or family, or perhaps even join forces with them in teams to take on other competitors who are playing all over the world.


Capture footage and share your gaming online

Finally, more people are searching the net and looking online at YouTube for gaming tips and hints as well as tutorials to completing certain stages of a game. So why not create some videos yourself? If you are an expert at a game, have a particular hack for something, or just want to share your knowledge and thoughts along the way, then capturing the gaming footage and talking along with it or doing a voiceover could  be the ideal start to your very own gaming channel online. Who knows where this could lead, as many have gone on to be successful.


I hope that this has given you some ideas on how you could enhance your gaming experience.

Exploring the Present Power and Future Facts of Online Gaming

When you look back to the 90’s there were limited options on where and how you could game. Computers and consoles were the primary gaming outlet that everybody used and that’s just what people dealt with. There were never any thoughts about gaming on the go or playing online; it was a winning formula. Nowadays the world of gaming has expanded its horizons hugely and online gaming is one of the most popular platforms there is. Whether it’s online card games or head to head battles, everyone now has access to compete against other players on the World Wide Web. It is true that the internet has been the biggest influence on the gaming world in the past ten years. The massive boost in online gamers is still on the rise and there is a valid reason behind it. Let explore the power of online gaming and what the future might hold for us.


The Vast and Varied Choices

The online world of gaming caters to all ages, abilities and interests. The multitude of genres is one of the most impressive elements of online gaming; people can dabble with new things and try out unexpected games they wouldn’t have explored before using a regular console. You will never be stuck for options when browsing online gaming libraries. You can find anything from this casino card games list to creative games you have never experienced before. Now is probably one of the best times to experiment with something new, so give it a go and you might just find a natural flair for a new gaming genre.



On The Go Games

The number of smartphone users has catapulted in the last few years and that means a great deal to avid gamers. Being able to play your favourite mobile game when you are out and about is a real privilege, especially when you are trying to fill time on a commute to work or in a waiting room. There are literally thousands of apps that you can download from brain training games to puzzles, so the gaming world has opened up its doors to a whole load more users than there used to be. The target audience is much more widespread nowadays; children as young as three years old can play a puzzle game and eighty year olds are even playing Candy Crush!


Fantastic and Free

The online gaming world has given us the privilege of being able to try new things for free. Many of the top notch games will have a hefty price tag, there is no escaping that, but if you are looking for a fun and free game there are millions to choose from. Downloading a new free game to your phone is a daily occurrence for most smartphone users and it is an element of gaming that has allowed more people to try it out as a hobby.


Competitive Spirit

Another joy of online gaming is having the ability to play against your friends. The internet has allowed friends to connect online and play together even if they are thousands of miles away across the world. Introducing your friend to a new game is a modern day communicative form and it truly bonds friendships together for life. You don’t have to spend a fortune hanging out and doing expensive activities together; you can throw on your headsets, have a chat and immerse yourself into a new game that you both have a common interest in. You no longer have to battle against yourself or a computer; you can truly be challenged by real life, experienced gamers.



Admittedly, gaming is now widely considered a natural part of modern society and the leisure industry. Millions of people enjoy playing a game every day and new developments are constantly making the gaming world a bigger and bigger thing to be a part of. Gaming is no longer seen as a ‘nerdy’ activity, whereby people hide themselves away in their bedrooms for months and months on end. There is a lot more understanding on the subject as more and more people are enjoying partaking in games every single day. Instead of gaming being an isolating hobby, it is now a lot more social, due to the catapulting popularity of the internet and online gaming. We don’t know what the future will hold for online gaming, but it can only get bigger and better than it already is. It is a fun activity enjoyed by people of all ages and its vast versatility is something that makes it truly unique.

How To Make Your PC Last Longer

As a gamer, you will know how important it is that your computer lasts as long as possible at it’s best performance. There’s nothing worse than running through a game and your computer is only managing to kick out around 10 frames a second. Computers are expensive, so it’s understandable that you want to make it last a long time so that you can really get your money's worth out of it. Even if you’re not tech savvy and wouldn’t be able to tell a motherboard from a graphics card, it’s not difficult to make sure your PC lasts as long as you need it to. Take a look at these tips on making your PC last longer.


Photo by Simon Abrams on Unsplash

Clean it regularly

The side of your computer should be able to be taken off with a simple unscrewing by hand. You will more than likely find a very thick layer of dust inside your computer, which actually slows it down. If the fans can’t turn as fast as they need to, they can’t power the computer as fast; therefore making it slower over all. Gently dust inside your computer and the fans (obviously have your computer unplugged for this) and make sure that you’re doing this once every few months to ensure that it’s running as fast as it can be. Be careful with the components inside too!

Let professionals perform upgrades

It’s always a good idea to upgrade certain parts of your pc rather than buying a completely new one. Many computers these days have removable graphics cards and many other components too, so why not upgrade every once in a while to keep it running as it should? Check out this website that specializes in computer and technology repairs. It’s always a good idea to let the professionals carry out repairs and upgrades so that you can be sure that you’re not going to accidentally break your computer.

Keep drivers updated

Another main reason for your computer running slow might be because your programms and software isn’t up to date. Most applications and installs will alert you when there is a new update available, so make sure that you’re letting them update so that they can run faster for your pc. If you’ve got a graphics card like Nvidia, you will usually get a notification from that too when an upgrade is available, so keep an eye out every time you log on to your computer.

Have security on your computer

Finally, there are millions of viruses all over the internet that can be very harmful to your computer. Make sure that you’ve got an active anti virus on your computer so that you don’t put your computer at risk from attack. You can download free versions of antiviruses which work just as well against viruses and trojans.


Use this advice to make your PC last longer and your gaming experience even better than you’d imagined!

Reasons Grown Ups Should Play Games More

Gaming has often been as a past-time of teenagers or older children. Sometimes for adults is can be seen as a bit of a guilty pleasure and not something that we want to own up to. They are the recreational equivalent of consuming empty calories, or so it can be seen. But in reality, there are many benefits to gaming, and adults need to do it more, if they’re not already.

Video game design is getting better and better, and they can almost be movie-like in the stories that they tell. So as long as you’re able to control and limit the time that you’re on it, much like the site, then a little isn’t going to hurt. Here are some of the reasons why gaming could be good for you.




Like you might do with an item of clothing, the price per use of games is pretty high. There is an upfront cost, similar to that of a concert ticket or a couple of movie theater tickets. But the game goes on and on, for as long as you want it to last. Even if it is a game that you can do until completion, you can do it again and again if you’d like. So the value for money with gaming is low, as far as a recreational activity goes.



Back in the day gaming was seen as quite an isolated activity, with images of loners sitting alone in the dark playing games. But in fact, these days, it is a pretty social activity. Most games have a multiplayer function, so you can invite people round or have other family members join in the fun. There are even games like that allow you to be a little more active, and interact with others. Those kinds of games are only going to be fun with other people around.



The Future of Technology

The gaming industry is always changing, and it can give us an insight into technology and what is changing. If you’re a gamer, you’ll see just how much of an impact virtual reality is having on us, and you can look at the possible opportunities for using that in everyday life. Even games that are traditionally seen as games for children, like Minecraft, are being used in testing for AI Bots. The future of banking and retail could be going along the lines of chatbots, so gaming offers insight into those kinds of thing.



After work or college, when your mind has been so focused on certain things, it can be nice to come home at the end of the day and relax. Gaming, like movies or television shows, can offer an element of escapism. It can be a way for some people to relax, while still using your brain in a different way. When you combine gaming as a hobby, alongside reading, exercise, and other things, it is important to remember that it is OK to play from time to time.

Why is the Gaming Industry Growing So Fast?

The gaming industry is an industry that is growing at an exponential rate. Last year, according to some UK stats, the gaming industry was worth over a record-breaking $5 billion, not to mention the impact that the gaming industry had on other industries like merchandising, entertainment, and film. So at the rate things are going, it is likely that the industry will be adding at least another billion dollars to that in the next few years. In fact, when you look at those kinds of stats, it is making the gaming industry the fifth largest in the world, and the biggest in places like Europe as a whole. Pretty astounding just how much of an influence it can have.

The rise of gaming has a lot to do with the advancements in technology, and the fact that you can press download, and in an instant you will have it on your phone or tablet. Not to mention the fact that you can easily watch gamers play online, as well as YouTube videos. So if you want to know how to do something for your game, you are likely to reach out to one of these sources.



Because so many people are gaming, at least at some point in their week, it has meant that some previous and quite dull tasks, including things like fact-sharing, have been given a whole new lease of life. And this is a trend that quite rightly, companies are taking note of and using it to their advantage. Increased awareness around gaming and more of a positive look at gaming has impacted the whole industry of gaming in a positive way. For companies and gamers, it leads to more funding opportunities, and a chance to make a business out of gaming if they haven’t already. Take a game like RunScape, for example. There are several sites online that sell RS Gold for gamers to buy, so that they can carry on in their game and get bigger and better at it. This wouldn’t have even been considered an idea for a business even ten years ago.

When more people are wanting to work in the sector, then t shows the demand for it, and that in turn, will have influence over the gaming companies and how they decide to do things. And this rolls out to gaming in a professional sense too. You don’t just have to see gaming in the traditional or recreational sense, as educational establishments can use the industry to their advantage too. It is what the students will understand, so certain parts of it can be carried over.

The industry is on the rise and here to stay, because of the top talent that the industry recruits. It needs to attract the right skilled workers to the job roles, otherwise they will go elsewhere for work. So it is a competitive job industry. And when a company hires the brightest and the best, the jobs will be more competitive, and more people will want to work there, as their business growth will get better and better. In that vein, it can be easy to see why there are several Universities around the world now that are doing gaming-related degrees. It shows that it is an industry that is here to stay.



Funding for the industry has to play a big part in the rise of the industry. For example, if there wasn’t the same funding, then would the same companies be able to do what they do and make the games and apps that they make? The support and funding needs to be staying at the same level, if not more, to help grow the industry. It would be interesting to see how the industry would do as a whole, if some of the funding were to be cut.

Not for profit groups like British-based Creative England, is an example of the kind of funding that has helped the industry to grow. Using things like ‘games labs’ they are able to train people up, and help people to learn the skills that they need to develop games or simply to get into it at a deeper level. And with the rise of VR gaming, it will be good to see how things like these ‘games labs’ can help people learn about a whole brand new element to gaming.

What are your thoughts on this? How far has the gaming industry got to go? It would be great to hear what you think.

Easy Ways to Make Money from Gaming

Do you love gaming? Then you’ll be glad to know that it is more than possible for you to make money from it! Gaming really does have so much to offer and when you are good at it, you can easily turn it into a money-making avenue. It doesn’t take long to get started and you can easily help others out at the same time as well. If you want to get some ideas then you can find out whatever you need to know below.



When you are able to stream, everyone can see your gameplay. You can have advertisements on your gaming stream and you can also ask your loyal audience to either donate or subscribe to your services as well. The problem here is that it can take you a while before you can build up your audience and you may spend a lot of time trying to work out why nobody is viewing your channel. The main thing that you have to remember here is that streams do take time but if you are able to invest then you can easily make money from it at a later date. Podcasts are another great option as well, if you have the time.


Writing Guides

New players love reading guides. If you are a gamer then there is a high chance that you have read a guide or two in the past. If you want to make money from gaming then writing guides is certainly a possibility. You can upload your guide to YouTube or you can even publish them as an EBook if you want. You can even get advertisements or you can sell your guides for a small profit every time. You will need to invest a ton of time in order to make the most out of your money-making adventure and the main reason for this is because you will need to provide way more insight when compared to other people.



Gambling is also another way that you can make money from games. Bitcoin Rush casino is great here and you would be surprised at how easy it is for you to really feel satisfied when you take away a win. When you are able to learn and develop strategies for online games, you can sell them while also making money from the game itself.


Trading In

When you are done with your old games, do you keep them as a part of your collection? If you want to make money then why not sell your old copies? When you have completed the game, there isn’t much point in you keeping hold of your copy and this makes the whole idea of gaming much cheaper. Sure, it may be more efficient to buy your game as a digital copy but at the end of the day, if you are able to buy a hard copy you can then go on to sell it at a later date. You can even keep an eye on auction sites to try and get a good deal, before selling that but at a higher price.