What Will the Future Look Like?

Now, we know that there are enough pressing concerns in today’s world. We’re dealing with political issues, the environment, and a world that has rising inequality, and we should all be focusing our energies to rectify those problems. However, it’s also worth keeping one eye on the future - because like it or not, it’s going to be here quicker than we realize. So what will the world of tomorrow look like? We take a look below.

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Source: Pexels.com

Everything Talking

It’s tempting to think the digital age has already arrived, but this isn’t really true. People must have thought the age of the car had arrived way back when there were just a few hundred on the roads; they couldn’t have envisioned just how widespread they would have become. The same is true of technology. In the future, everything will be connected - including ourselves. The internet of things has kind of arrived, but in the coming decades, it’s going to become much more widespread. Your door, fridge, windows, and just about everything in your home will be automated. If you’re a Luddite, then it might be time to start looking at that cabin in the woods, basically.


A Changing Workplace

The world of work is about to change dramatically, in ways that haven’t been seen since the industrial revolution. It’ll be in two main areas: the rise of artificial intelligence, and an overall changing attitude towards the workplace. You can expect the traditional work attire to be replaced by more casual clothing, and the 9-5 routine to be replaced by a more fluid, flexible approach to the working day. On the other end, AI will see somewhere in the region of 50% of jobs lost. If those who lost their jobs aren’t found something else to do, mass unemployment will follow.


The World of Politics

The world is getting smaller all the time, but that doesn’t mean that the problems will disappear. As technology improves and troubled international relations grow, we’ll see more attempts to undermine democracy. Indeed, this is already happening: as the AZ Sec of State says, last year there were instances ‘all over the country related to people trying to get into other people’s data and voter files.’ As such, cybersecurity related to voting will become a hot topic. So will the role of social media in elections, especially after Russia’s influence in the last presidential election.


A Move to Purpose

It’s not talked about anywhere nearly as much as it should be, but depression is a major concern among health officials. Indeed, it’s scheduled to become the world’s leading illness in the not too distant future. As such, we can see a greater move towards happiness, and to people choosing to live a life of purpose rather than being content with material goods and the traditional signs of success.


But Who Knows?

While the research shows signs of the above, it could also all be wrong. The future won’t be linear; it’ll be written by, well, whoever writes it.

What Is Hot In Science Right Now?

Trends and fashions seem to dictate everything that we do and experience in culture. After all, just look at how powerful fashion in clothing can be - when someone creates a new clothing fad, it can change the way everyone else starts to dress. You might think that these trends are only confined to a few sections of society and culture, such as music, clothing, and food. But that isn't the case In actual fact, trends are big news in almost every aspect of life - even in science and research!

Research in science is largely dictated by trends too. Sure, there are some fields of research, especially in healthcare and medicine, that won’t change as we are still striving to come up with new treatments and medicines. But in other fields of science, there are a lot of trends that drive the most popular research fields.

So, what exactly is hot in science right not? Read on to find out more!





You will have no doubt already heard about organ transplants. This is when an organ from one body is taken out and transplanted into another body. The organ donors can be living when donating some organs, such as a kidney, but in most cases the donor is deceased. Well, have you ever heard of xenografts? If not, you need to listen up as it looks like these are set to be the next big thing. Right now, contract research organizations are looking into how xenografts can help cancer patients. These are basically cell, tissue, or organ transplants taken from a different species. The current tests are taking place on rats and mice, but this research looks set to develop soon, and it could be tested on humans before too long.




Research Into Uploading Consciousness

If you keep up to date with news from the tech world, you might have heard about a new startup that is letting people join a waiting list to upload their consciousness to the cloud. This way, their whole consciousness will be able to, in theory, live on forever. However, there is just one problem - the whole process of preserving the consciousness is 100% fatal and isn't guaranteed to work. Regardless, there are still already a few people listed on the waiting list. There is a new branch of science interested in preserving life for the future and it is looking into whether or not we can code our consciousness and preserve is on the cloud forever. Is this really possible? It’s hard to tell right now, but there are lots of people who have faith in the science. This field of research is still in its infancy, so who knows where it will end up over the coming decades? It could be very exciting to watch!




Anti-Aging Technologies

As well as trying to live forever by preserving our mind on the cloud, there are other scientists who are trying to research new anti-aging technologies. And by “anti-aging technologies” I don’t mean just applying some serums and anti-wrinkle creams to their skin, although there are of course some scientists who do look into that. Instead, there are other scientists who are looking into other more scientific-focused treatments. Many believe that the key is in our diets, and there are those who believe that an exceptionally restrictive diet can help us live for a  lot longer. There are also some scientists who believe that the key to anti-aging is locked in some treatments that are traditionally used for other ailments. One example of this is the group of scientists who are convinced that the treatment usually given to diabetic patients could help others live for longer while also preventing the aging process for as long as possible.





Scientists have been researching the field of nanotechs for quite some time already, but now it looks like it is all set to get very exciting indeed! Not too sure what nanotech is exactly? It’s the study of structures at their atomic level. Basically, just looking at the smallest parts of things. One of the most exciting things about nanotech is that it affects almost everything on the planet. After all, everything is made up of atoms that we can take apart and look at and study. Everything from toilet cleaner to newly discovered elements could be studied through nanotech and its exact impact on us and the world in which we live.




Robotics and AI

It’s impossible to write a blog post about the current biggest science trends and not include robotics and AI. This is likely to be the biggest scientific news of the century! It is now believed that robots will soon be able to join us in the workplace and help with all manner of tasks and responsibilities. Even though basic robots have been used in factories and warehouses for some time already, it is thought that they are going to become a lot more important and more sophisticated robots will be able to take care of more important jobs in dangerous workplaces. It is even thought that they will be able to take on creative tasks as well, which was once thought of as impossible as we previously thought it not possible to code creativity and imagination into robots. AI is also set to come on a long way. In fact, it could enter the mainstream a lot sooner than robotics. After all, just take a look at Tesla.  Elon Musk’s famous company that is developing self-driving cars uses advanced AI in its autos. So, the next time you need to buy a new vehicle, you might want to invest in a self-driving auto. You’ll have some very sophisticated AI at your fingertips!

There are always new trends and fashionable research areas that are popping up in the world of science. If you ever want to find out more, it’s worth googling some research areas to see what you can find out. There are lots of papers and news articles that break everything down so that the facts are easy for all us non-scientists to understand!

Do You Have A Love For Gaming?

If you know you’re a bit of a gamer geek, then there are ways in which you can nurture this love and grow it into something better. Gaming for a lot of people offers an escape from the real world. A place to make friends that you don’t feel as though you need to impress, and a place where you can let your imagination run wild. If this sounds like you, then we know how you can take your gaming experience to the next level. There’s so many new worlds out there for you to immerse yourself into, and so many opportunities for you that you might have been missing, If you’re intrigued, then read on to find out how you can grow your love for gaming.


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Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is one of the most exciting and futuristic things to bless the gaming world. If you haven’t tried it yet, you’re definitely missing out. It allows you to literally be immersed into another world. Well, not literally, but it isn’t far off it. All you need to do is pop the headset on, turn on the headphones, and you truly will feel like you’ve left the earth. The great thing about this is that there’s so much variety to choose from in terms of what you do on the virtual reality headset. There are plenty of free games you that can download, but if you get a unit like the Playstation VR, there’s tons of paid games. Even if you don’t fancy having a go on the game, you can go on a nice nature walk through a documentary, and it’ll really feel as though you’re there. A lot of the games that you can buy are fully online, so you get that feeling of teamwork that a lot of people like about gaming. The one major downside to this marvellous piece of technology is the price. If you’re buying one outright, you’re going to be spending a lot of money. You can grab yourself one that’s second hand, but it is still a tad expensive. The games that you can buy are also pricey, but none more so than the normal PC or console games that you’d buy. They’re all fully interactive, and the characters move as you make the motions. It just makes things so much cooler and life like.


Making Money

If you really do have a love for gaming, and it is all you do whilst you’re at home, then why not try and make some money through it. There are a few ways of doing this. Firstly, you can think about becoming a vlogger. There are a lot of people out there that search for game tutorials, and turn to vlogs for guidance with regards to which game they should buy next. Whilst it may be hard to get the following up to a decent amount, it is still a worthwhile venture that won’t cost you much. Just use Twitter and other social media platforms to try and boost your views. You can then turn your vlog into a blog, and make money that way. Next you can think about some of the more unconventional gaming methods that make people money. Gambling is a form of gaming, and if you do it right you can make a lot of money from it. For example, the grand ivy casino has plenty of games for you to try your hand at if you’re interested. It is obviously the more risky way of trying to make money, but it does give you the same thrill as playing a normal console game would. Just make sure you’re always betting the money you can, and don’t get carried away with trying to win. If you lose, you lose, that’s just something you’re going to have to come to terms with when it comes to gaming through gambling.


The Future

The future of gaming is a pretty exciting place. There’s so much going on that means we’re going to have better games, better game play experiences, and more immersive games through the use of things such as virtual reality. Virtual reality at the minute is just 3D, but there are talks of trying to make it a 4D game play experience in the future. How many years that will take is a different story, but the prospect of being able to touch and feel things within the game you’re playing is exciting. In the short term, there are talks that Spyro is being remastered, whether that’ll come out in 2018, or 2019 who knows! There are also talks of more Crash Bandicoots being released in late 2018.

A Guide To The Ultimate Geek Cave

Do you crave your own little bit of space? A haven in the home where you can squirrel yourself away, partake in a hobby or two and simply unwind. With the stresses and pressures of modern life, it’s more important than ever to create some daily ‘me’ time. The best way to achieve this is to allocate an area of the home, whether it’s a room or a loft or a shed, which you can transform into a super geek cave. We’re not talking ever-flowing beer, a pool table and a couch; that’s student digs. We are talking the ultimate geek cave. Take a look to see how you can create your very own den of geekdom.


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If you are the ultimate geek, you may have a collection of something; you might pride yourself on having every single action figure ever released by the Star Wars franchise, boxed and unopened. You may have all of the NFL gaming cards from 1989 through to the present day. Whatever your guilty pleasure is, ensure you make space to enjoy your collection. Set up a display area, hang up your Star Trek autographed photos and enjoy looking at them every time you settle into your geek cave for some chill time.


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TV And Audio Kit

If you are something of a movie buff and love nothing more than unwinding in front of a great thriller, old classic noir or a 1980s cheesy blockbuster, then you need some equipment to make your film experience exceptional. Take a look at the soundbars and stereo systems available that you can hook up to your flatscreen TV. You want to achieve a fully immersive experience, so you feel like you’re actually part of the movie. 3D TVs have come a long way in recent years, so if your budget allows, consider venturing into the third dimension of viewing.

You might prefer to watch your favorite sport. You could be a baseball nut, a soccer fan or an NBA follower. You could take great pleasure in opening up your geek cave to your pals on a Saturday afternoon, having a dabble in some online betting, cracking open a few beers and enjoying some chill time with those you can have a laugh and a joke with.


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No geek cave is complete without the opportunity for a good gaming experience. After a long day at work, sometimes there’s nothing more satisfying than slumping into your gaming chair and getting into a vintage role-playing game or a sporty classic. It doesn’t matter whether your console of choice is the PS4, the Xbox or even the humble PC, it’s vital that you have a comfortable space in which to play your games. Grab yourself a comfy gaming seat, lower the lighting and get immersed.

The point of a geek cave is to create a highly personalized space that endeavors to make you relaxed and it has to be somewhere that allows you to forget about the stresses of modern life. See if there’s a space that you can allocate for yourself and get started on your very own geek cave.

Everything You Need To Know About Creating The Perfect Gaming Room

Gaming is a good way of taking a step back from your busy lifestyle and clearing your head. If you spend a few hours every weekend playing games and catching up with online friends, you might want to create the perfect relaxing environment for enjoying some quality time. You can design your own gaming room in the basement of your home, or use a spare room for your hobby. Below you will find some advice on how to create the perfect gaming room.


Image by cadenaser.com

Comfort First

Chances are you are going to spend long hours in your gaming den. You don’t want to get up with pins and needles or a lower back pain. You can get a beanbag seat or special gaming seat that will help you maintain your focus and posture. Make sure that your seat is the right distance from the screen, and you don’t have to twist your neck to look at different screens if you game on multiple platforms at the same time.


Special Lighting

To help you focus and relax at the same time, you might want to install some colorful lights. Check out other people’s designs, and get some dimming lights that help you focus on the game. Don’t use flashing lights or color changing ones, as they can distract you in the important task of beating your enemy and winning the game.


Must-Have: Mini Fridge

In case you want to hide in your man’s cave for a long time, you will possibly need ammunition and drinks. Ask any of your friends, and they will agree that installing a mini fridge full of your favorite drinks and snacks is a good idea. You might even get your own bar in the corner, if you often invite your friends over for a gaming party in your den.


Wall Mounted Screen

You should certainly have a large gaming monitor installed professionally, making sure that it is in the right angle. The screen should have a high resolution, and a good sound quality. You might invest in a sound bar or an audio system to enjoy the effects of the game even more. Make sure that your screen shows all the games available at https://gameaddik.com in a good quality and the monitor’s refresh rate is set by a professional.


Make Sure You Get a Lock


Image by Eglin Air Force Base - AF.mil

The last thing you want when you are winning with your master strategy is people walking in the room. To ensure you are undisturbed, install a do not disturb sign on the door, and get a lock as well. You don’t want to lose just because one of your family members has a question. Let everyone know that you are disappearing for a while, and will need your own space. Tell them how long you will be in the room for, so they can ask you all the important questions beforehand.


Being a gamer is a serious thing. While people think that all you are doing is pressing buttons and screaming at the screen, you are indeed building a strategy and improving your tactics. Make sure your gaming room allows you to relax in style and comfort.