Higher Ed Geek

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Thoughts on Friendship

So this post is just something I thought about during a recent train ride, about how people have come in and out of my life for all of my years. They've come in and out for various reasons, some due to a context ending like a job I've had or perhaps just growing apart from each other. I'll also be vulnerable and authentic here and admit that I'm an awkward, eccentric, quirky, shy nerd who has struggled for most of his life with making friends and keeping them when I have them. Social obligations, and small talk elude me at times, so I wholly think that has something to do with my current state of not really having anyone actively in my life, that isn't family, who I've known for more than a couple years.

I write this post hoping in the future to find some peace of mind and clarity for why people came into my life, what they gave me and what I possibly gave them. What I can continually improve upon to keep the people important to me in my life. Most importantly, however, it is to just simply say thank you.

I am eternally grateful for all of the people who have been a part of my life, big or small, friends, lovers, coworkers, or classmates. Our connections meant something to me and they still do. I've learned about who I am, what I'm capable of, and grown from mistakes in my interactions with you all. Perhaps those mistakes are even why we aren't close anymore. Nevertheless, I care about your well being and success, which I thankfully can keep brief tabs on via social media. I am happy that I can do this, since it is all I need to know that you are well enough. I miss a lot of you and I hope we'll cross paths again some day.

I know I'm deluding myself thinking all of my friends will read this, but as I plan for the next phase of my life, I can't help but look back and reflect. What I find is that I may not be the most sociable, popular person, but the connections I do make with people, however brief, are deeper and more meaningful, and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Here's to all my friends, past and present. I look forward to hopefully seeing you again soon and I look forward to all the people who I haven't met yet who will make an impact on my life.