The Best Educational Board Games To Try

If you are keen on playing games that really test your mind, or which you can use to help educate your kids, then the good news is that there are plenty to consider - and a lot of them are board games that you can play at home soon enough, and often not for that much money. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the board games that you might want to try in order to have an enjoyable brain puzzle or to help with your family’s education in general. All of the following are well worth considering.

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Ticket To Ride

This is one of the most popular board games out there right now, and there is so much that you can get out of it no matter who you are. It is equally good for adults and children alike, and when it comes to the educational aspect of it, it’s good for a number of reasons. Ticket To Ride teaches reading skills, addition, and strategy, and with a smattering of North American geography thrown in as well. So it’s a great all-rounder, and also a genuinely really fun game that you can play with all the family.

Murder At The Manor

A very enjoyable genre of board game that is very popular right now is the murder mystery, and Murder At The Manor is a more or less perfect example of this genre in action. In this game, each player is a suspect in the murder case, and you all need to use your detective skills to work out the murderer - or you need to hide what you know if you are the guilty party! Murder mystery games like this encourage you and your children to think laterally and to solve puzzles, making them perfect educational tools.


This list simply wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t mention chess, would it? This ancient game is still one of the most complex and enjoyable, and it is also known to be more or less the best mental workout in the world. A game of chess is a real brain exercise, and if you can get your kids into chess when they are quite young, it’s going to help encourage them later in life and improve their thinking skills to no end. So it’s time to dust off the old chess board and give it a go today with your kids.

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Settlers Of Catan

Another of the big sellers in recent years is Settlers of Catan. This game is sprawling and complex, and it requires that you keep a lot of different elements in mind at once, which is part of what makes it such an exciting and enjoyable game. It’s also what makes it educational, and you will certainly find that you enjoy many psychological benefits from playing it, as will your children. If you don’t have it already, it will make a perfect addition to your board game collection, so go out and grab it today.