The Mature Student’s Guide To Financial Security

Wow, going to college, being a parent, and working can be tough, especially when it comes to managing your finances. Luckily, there are some tactics you can use to keep on top of your money situation and ensure financial security, even when your plate is overflowing with other commitments. Read on to find out what they are.


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Do know your income and expenses?

It doesn't matter how good you are with your spending if you don't have a handle on what your expected income and expenses are each month. In fact, if the latter is more than the former, you are definitely going to run into some trouble!

What this means is that you need to have a clear list of all the money you can expect to come in during a month, including any student loans and bursaries, as well as wages. Then you need to compare this to everything that is on the outgoing list. Of course, the latter list will include your mortgage or rent, as well as utilities, food, and clothes. It will also include money for fun, and your college fees as well.

Obviously, if your projected outgoings are exceeding your income, you will know that you have to cut back in that month. Something that can be done by shopping only to a list and with coupons, as well as resisting the urge to spend on unnecessary items such as new clothes and decor for your house.

Don't go overboard buying resources.

Next, when it comes to managing your finances successfully as a mature student, it's essential not to allow yourself to get caught up in 'back to school fever.' Yes, that's right a great deal of the resources and items that people buy in September aren't actually ones you really need or will ever use. In fact, it's becoming just like any other holiday where marketers use people's' excitement to encourage them to part with their cash.

Luckily, you can be wise to this and prevent this happening to you. One way to achieve this is to wait until your classes start to buy your books and resources. Then you will be able to buy just what you will actually use. In fact, it's sometimes possible to get a lead from your tutors to a student that did the same course last semester and has all their textbooks to sell, something that can save you a small fortune!


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Also, if you do have a clear list of items you need already, be sure to keep it as minimal as possible. After all, while all those sparkly folders and pencil cases can seem like a good buy, you need to ask yourself,  whether you really need them, when you are doing most of your note-taking and assignment writing online?

Do repair your credit

Next, when it comes to financial security as a mature student, it can be super helpful to keep an eye on your credit. The reason being that bad credit or a low credit score can seriously interfere with the ease with which you can get loans, and make other significant purchases. Something that you may wish to do during your time at college, or immediately after.

Luckily, there are quite a few strategies to try when it comes to taking care of your credit rating. The first is to absolutely be sure that any credit you do take out is a debt that you can repay on time. Otherwise, you risk lowering your rating.

Of course, it not always a good idea to avoid using credit altogether, especially if you already have a poor score as this can also negatively affect your rating. Instead, it may be worth looking into something like this capital one secured card which will allow you to get back into using credit, even when your rating is low and so can help to rebuild your ratings by showing that you are a good prospect.

Alternatively, if you are concerned about a particularly low rating or negative notes on your account, you may wish to approach a credit repair specialist. This is a company that can negotiate with your credit providers and find the best way to close down any outstanding issues or notes on your account. Something that can help you return your credit score to normal, and so make college life and your life after, that bit easier.

Don’t let false economies fool you.

What is a false economy? Well, it's when you buy something because you think you are getting a good deal and it's cheap, but if you really look at it in detail, you realize that it's not such a good deal. False economy issues come in all shapes and sizes as well, and there are two main ways of avoiding them.

The first is to shop around for your groceries and clothes and compare prices to find the best deals. Something that is pretty easy to do now we have the internet at our disposal 24/7, especially if you are happy to buy in bulk or thrifted items.

Secondly, don't get suckered into buying things that you just don't need. I'm talking about all the chips and snacks you get at the grocery, those accessories you just have to have for your office, and worst of all those expensive coffees you treat yourself to on campus in between seminars. Guess what folks? Coffee tastes just as good if you make a flask of it in the morning yourself and take that to school each day, and you can save yourself a fortune by doing this as well!

Take your coffee in a Thermos and save!

Do make time to keep on top of finances.

Lastly, if you are attending college, you will be busy, what with all those assignments, seminars, deadlines, and essays to write. Of course, for mature students tend to be even busier, because they have family and work commitments they have to honor as well.

You will be busy as a mature student, but it will benefit your whole family to stay on top of your finances.


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Despite all of this though, it is still crucial that you make time to monitor your spending and keep on top of your finances. In fact, knowing what you have left and what still needs to be paid for at any point in the month, is probably the most critical step in maintaining your financial security as a mature student.

How to Prepare Your Teen For College

Waving goodbye to your kid when he or she is off to college is hardly any point; they’ll be back soon enough so that you can do their laundry and cook up a proper meal for them.

There is a lot you can do to avoid having your college student over so that you can parent them, though, and while it’s always nice to see them, it’s also good to know that they know how to take care of themselves.


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It’s just what we’ve been trying to teach them their whole life but some things need a bit more repetition.

Here is a handful of the most important stuff you should make sure that your teen knows before it’s time for college so that you can feel even more confident that they’ll manage on their own.

First: Start by teaching them how to cook

Ever asked your kid to prepare dinner for the family, just to see them heat up a frozen pizza? Chances are that this is what they’ll be living off unless you put some serious effort into teaching them how to actually cook.

They might not enjoy it, in the beginning, but when there’s no other option than to cook up a meal, they’re going to be very happy that you taught them how to make it tasty. Plus, you’re also ensuring that they’re not spending all of their money on takeaway.

You can always pay them a visit on campus as well, though, to see how they’re doing; have a look at lodging near Princeton University and keep in mind that most universities offer great hotel accommodation to visiting parents.  

Start the cooking lessons by teaching them how to make cheap and healthy meals. Eggs, chicken, and canned tuna should be their go-to food in order to save money - and teach them how to shop in bulk when they’re on a budget as well.

Here is a handy article on student meals you can forward to them so that they won’t be bombarding you with texts on how to know when the rice is done.

Next: Teach them how to budget

As their parent, you probably know very well if your teen needs a crash-course in budgeting. If they were painfully saving their allowance and sniffing at their siblings’ reckless spending, they’re probably going to do just fine.

Most teenagers are, however, not that good at budgeting and saving money - especially not when there are so many fun things to do around campus. Help them to set up a proper budget for themselves before heading off, and advise them against going wild with their credit card.

If they should mess up once in a while, there are many lessons to be learned - and it’s much better to learn these lessons sooner rather than later.

As long as you’ve taught them these things as well as how to be decent human being around others, your teen will be just fine. Try not to worry too much and remember that you can always visit them to make sure they’re eating properly as well.

Surviving A Serious Injury During Your College Years

Most of us think of our college years as some of our most physically vital. After all, many of us are young when we attend, as well as active in sports and fitness. However, if you are unlucky enough to sustain an injury during college, it can have a profound effect not only on your physical and mental well being but on your studies as well. For that reason we have put together the guide below that can help you survive a serious injury during your college years. Read on to find out more.


Notify all your teachers

One of the first things that you will want to do once the emergency itself has passed is to get in contact with your teachers and let them know what has happened. Luckily this isn't too difficult to do as most have direct emails now.

If possible, can give them so idea of how long you will be away and whether you will need to drop their class and pick it up next semester too. Although, you may be able to catch up with the work while you are recuperating, or even access an online study program that will make sure you don't get too behind.

It's also a great idea to CC in your department heads when letting people know of your predicament. Then they can record this as official absence and then there will be no confusion when it comes to matters of attendance on your record that could interfere with your graduation.


Speak to finance

Of course, if you do have to drop classes, then it's worth discussing this with the finance office, because you may be entitled to a refund for a discount off of next semester. There may even be financial aid available for students in your position as well as help with your housing costs, so it's always worth asking these questions.


Keep up your medical care.

Keeping up your medical care is vital.

Keeping up your medical care is vital.


Next, although your injury may be preventing you from attending classes, it is vital that you go to your medical appointment and complete the treatment assigned to you by your doctor.

Of course, the cost of this may be concerning to you as a student, and this is why many people choose to check with a personal injury lawyer to see if they have a case for compensation. Something that can alleviate the financial burden on students that have suffered an injury and allow them to keep focused on getting well.


Don't let your social life fade.

OK, so if you are in a full body cast, then you probably don't want to be going to too many parties. However, there's a lot to be said for having a strong support network of friends, especially when you are living away from home and your usual friends and family group.

Your institution may even have a mentor program, or offer social and other support through religious groups on campus, so be sure to explore these possibilities and to help to stay emotionally and socially healthy as well.

Being Sturdy With Your Study! Surviving Your Final Year

For any of us engaging in intense study it can be a very difficult period, whether we are just getting back to school or we are gearing up for our last year in college, the last year in school, or gearing up for the last year of an intense doctorate, it means that there's a lot of stress and anxiety. But it also means that you are quite probably struggling in a financial sense, so it's important for you to get ahead of the game by having a few preventative measures in place before embarking on your final year. Some may be simple but some you may not have thought of, so here we go here is the foolproof guide to surviving your final year.


Perfecting Your Study Space

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The fact of the matter is you are going to be intensely engaged in a lot of work throughout your final year so you need to make sure that your study space is not cluttered so you can remain focused and not distracted in any way, shape, or form. The importance of a study space that keeps you focused is not to be underestimated. The fact of the matter is that if you have a cluttered space for learning with piles of books and distractions, you will get overwhelmed by the mammoth tasks ahead. So it's better for you to compartmentalize your tasks and to focus on one task at a time, especially with the amount of information you have to take on board during your last year. You May have piles of books to get through, but this is all about keeping organized rather than getting overwhelmed by every pressing task. Barack Obama popularized the idea of removing decision fatigue, and this is something it's worth thinking about. So if you can remove clutter and distraction from your study space, this will help you to cut down on unnecessary thought patterns. The best way to do it is to have a corner of the room that is distraction free with just a desk and your study material.


Making The Most Of Your Downtime

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While you may be ensconced in your study space for the vast majority of your final year, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself. And if you, like so many other students, are lacking in money, then you need to make the most of your study space. So you could set up your study area to be a gaming area for your free time. It's also a great way for you to have some relaxing downtime while still making the most of your study area and lack of money. So you could invest in a decent gaming center at the start of your study, you while you still have the finances by getting a good quality desk, gaming speakers, as well as the best computer for your budget. It can be difficult to find any decent downtime during your intense final year but don't forget you need to find ways that will relax you and keep you focused, and for many people it may be gaming. But it's also important to not stay cooped up in your study space for the whole of your final year. Make sure you get out once in a while and socialize, because even though studying is the most vital ingredient to beating those final exams you still have to make some time for you. And you may be surprised that in doing so you will find yourself rejuvenated and approach your work with a clearer mind.


Studying is an intense period especially when you have a lot to do when you may think that you won't be able to come, but if you can balance downtime with the right study breaks, you will accomplish it with no problems!