How to Create a Unique Costume

With Halloween approaching, I wanted to quickly share the way I come up with fun, unique costumes without feeling like I'm "wasting" money on something I'm only wearing one day a year.

So the point of view I have now when it comes to making a costume is that I'm only going to buy pieces for it that I can wear again in the future. It sort of utilizes a "everyday cosplay" mentality which has been inspired by The Nerdy Girlie.

Here are some examples: 

Marty McFly

Marty McFly

Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Tenth Doctor

Tenth Doctor

While they may not have been perfect, they were enjoyable, comfortable, and allowed for me to not feel bad about spending the money to put them together.

I recommend looking up some examples of street clothed superheroes or just dressing up as people in normal clothes for costumes this year. I'm sure it will help with the anxiety many of us have when trying to come up with something to wear.

Show me your favorite costumes! I'll send free copies of my ebook to folks who do.

What I'm Geeking Out About This Week - 10/31/14


Welcome to this spooktacular week in geek!

Bad Halloween puns aside, this week I wanted to highlight some of my favorite geeky horror films. Most of them have some sort of comedy element to them but are still fun Halloween watches with friends or family. Hopefully you've seen them all but if not, I highly recommend them all!

This is one of my favorite movies of all time in general and was what I thought of first when I thought up the idea for this post. It's a classic British comedy with zombies (or zomedy, see what I did there?!) from 2004 starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in their first of the "Cornetto Trilogy" of films that recently concluded with The World's End. The movie has a lot of great gags, is full of heart, and is all in with the action. I love it and you need to watch it if you haven't before (or even if you haven't watched it in a while).

This classic comedy from the 80s is a supernatural romp with some comedy legends like Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, and Harold Ramis. I still find it a fun ride these many years later and it is a cultural touchstone for sure. The theme song alone is awesome and worthy of any Halloween playlist!

This one is a little different since it holds a unique place as a sci-fi horror film from back in the day. It inspired several sequels and prequels and is an awesome movie. Starring Sigourney Weaver as Ripley, we were first treated to the Alien back in 1979 and the movie still holds up very well. The basic premise is that Ripley is a lone survivor on a ship lampooned out in space as a vicious creature kills all of her fellow crew members. Weaver rocks in this movie and she definitely gets to play a great, strong, female character here. Check it out if you haven't gotten around to it, it is well worth your time.

Thanks for stopping by!
