Sys Admin Or Software Developer - What's the Better Study Choice?

It is an age-old debate in the IT structure, which is the better career to aim for, that of Systems Administrator or Software Developer? It is not an easy question to answer, it really depends on your personal preferences and on your own set of circumstances. Have a look through our guide as a comparison of both careers and see if it can help you decide where to aim your talents.

Systems Administrator

1. Work 24/7

A Systems Administrator is responsible for ensuring that their employer's IT infrastructure is operating at all times. This often means that they have to perform work outside of the normal 9-5 hours and that they often have to be on call at all times. Some jobs can mean that there has to be an administrator actually in the office at all times, which usually means you will be working on a rota. In some jobs, it is permissible for an employee to be on call on a rota basis. This type of work suits some people because it fits in with their lifestyle. For others who like to know where they are every day, it is not so good. Check out the advantages and disadvantages of working on a rota basis here.

2. Less Salary

There's no getting away from the fact that Software Developers are paid more than Systems Administrators. It could be argued that this is because their role demands more creativity but I have known some System Administrators who have had to be pretty creative to fix issues. You only have to check NetworkProGuide to see how creative those offering IT services have to be.

3. Full Flexibility in Shifts

When you have to cover the office 24/7 it means that there is a degree of flexibility in when you work. If you want a big night out, for instance, you could always organise to work a late shift so you can have a lie-in. There are benefits to shift working.

Software Developer

1. More Salary in Short Time

Software Developers are paid more, simply because they have to be more creative and put a lot of thought into their designs. It is hard work, but you do get paid for it. If you are not sure whether this is your dream job and whether it's worth all the effort you would have to put in to be worth this large salary why not take a look at my blog post on finding your dream career.

2. No need to work 24/7 shifts

Some people just like a routine, they like to know the hours that they are working every day and for these to be consistent. This is one of the reasons why the 9-5 day is so popular, it just works for a lot of people. As a Software Developer, you too will be able to make the most out of the 9-5 day.

3. Enjoy all Government Holidays

As a Software Developer, there is no need for you to work on public holidays. You can enjoy spending time with your friends and family who are also not at work instead of facing the prospect of having to go into the office while everyone else has fun.