Getting The Most Out Of Your Android Phone

No matter the price tag - there are some extremely beefy android phones on the market today. From Oneplus to Samsung and from Motorola to Sony - many manufacturers are producing premium, yet accessible options - meaning almost anyone can get their hands on some serious mobile power. Tariff options from providers are also dropping in price.

So, when you get your hands on the power of a new mobile device bursting to the seams with Android features - what do you do? How can you get the most out of it?


Firstly, invest in some serious protection. Premium phone options like the Xperia have a large screen surface area and even though the glass is well protected, you’re always a drop away from disaster. A good case is going to protect the chassis and screen of your phone but you cannot go wrong with a tempered glass screen protector that offers so much more safety than the flimsy plastic ones. You’ll be safe from drops for the foreseeable future. What’s more - your screen will be protected from grease and the oils of your fingertips.

Your phone needs to be treated like a computer. Make sure you clean dust from it to prevent the dust and dirt from breaching into the phone. It can cause just as much damage as it does to computers. Compressed air is a great way to blast dust and debris from your phone!

Secondly, you need to keep your phone operational. Again, like a computer it needs to be kept free of old data and files. These do, like dust, build up and can slow your phone down. Enable your photos to auto upload to cloud-based storage to save space - and make sure you rid your phone of apps that you are not using.

Now, let’s talk apps - there are plenty of apps that will enhance your Android user experience - it just depends on what type of person you are!

If you’re an ideas person, look no further than Google Keep or Evernote - these apps are great for jotting down ideas and miscellaneous notes so you’re always in touch with your ideas and have a willing notepad ready and waiting.

If you love your film and TV, look no further than Showbox for your viewing needs. This free app boasts nothing but awesomeness. A great option for catching up and binge watching!

What about the creative types? Well, you have Snapseed at your fingertips to turn your photos into award winning art. The complex editing tool can certainly improve the finished product and turn anyone into a master auteur. Snapseed is a comprehensive photography app, and if you're at any level beyond amateur, you should check it out!

By equipping your phone with some amazing applications and ensuring that it is protected at all times, you can have the best chance of getting the most out of your Android phone - after all, you paid money for it! Why wouldn’t you want to get the best out of it?