Understanding the Theory: The Games You Just Can't Quit

Whether it’s a console game or just an app, every once in awhile, you find yourself immersed in a game that you just can’t let go of. No matter how much you play it, it sticks in your mind, keeping you coming back for more even when there are other games out there demanding your attention. Sometimes it happens on a national level - remember the crazes for Candy Crush or Flappy Bird? - or it can just be a gem of a game that only a few people dedicated to gaming innovations play, but those that do are devotees.


Have you ever wondered how games manage to do this; turn normal people into those on the verge of a game addiction? If you fancy finding out how things work behind the curtain, then read on…


#1 - Games Aren’t Designed To Be Fun

Sound difficult to believe? It might, but think about it: fun is transitory. What we have a tendency to enjoy at one point might not be the same thing that makes us happy another day. We can get tired of fun; we can want to move on to something more exciting, something different.

If, however, a game developer can tap into something deeper in our psyche, then their game has the potential to be a fixture for years to come. It’s interesting to note that the driving purpose of a game is not for users to enjoy it, but for users to want to keep coming back to it. These might sound like the same thing, but they are actually activating different parts of our brains.

Some of the most popular games of all time aren’t particularly fun, but they are rewarding. Understanding how rewards work in game creation is essential to understanding the behavioral psychology that they manipulate.


#2 - At First, Games Are Highly Rewarding

The first, and perhaps most important, attraction factor to a game is that it rewards new players quickly and often. That’s why when you first begin to play a game, leveling up and obtaining rewards is incredibly simple. Perform one basic task? You level up and get a ton of XP points!


Every time we level up or receive some form of reward from the game, our brains get a shot of dopamine - the happy hormone. Even if we don’t fully understand the game or haven’t decided to play it for long, we’re still delighted by this evidence we’re apparently good at it. As the game progresses, achieving the same rewards becomes harder and harder. With Facebook games, for example, it might only take 10 XP to get to level two, but it’ll take 7,000 XP to move from level 58 to level 59. Yet we still do it, because when we reach that level up number, we get the same shot of dopamine. If anything, it’s even sweeter when we have to wait and work towards something.


#3 - When You’re Hooked, You’re A Consumer

Many games like to ease you into them gently, especially those that don’t have a purchase cost like some app games. They get you in, leveling up, training you to enjoy that dopamine rush every time something goes right.

Then comes the next stage; transforming you from a gamer into a consumer. As you progress, learn the game, and what it takes to be good at it, you’ll then be offered some dangling temptations. An example would be something along the lines of: you could keep working to improve your armor, which will take time, effort, and skill… or you could just throw a couple of dollars at the problem and have your armor be perfect in an instant.

At first, going with the paid approach often seems valid. In many ways, that’s because it is. There’s no harm in spending money on virtual goods if they help us to enjoy the game more. It’s no different to spending on a cinema ticket or paying to download a movie; it’s all about enjoyment, so there’s no harm.

Of course, the problem comes when you are deeply immersed in a game and have been playing it for so long, it throws your judgment off. Then, the in-game purchases switch from being about enhancing your experience, to being necessary. There are many games where, effectively, you have to pay to win. Developers don’t throw this at you to begin with, of course! They ease you in with the leveling up rewards, the improvements for low cost, and then hit you with bigger and bigger requests for money.

This might sound like a harmless progression. It can be, if you manage it in moderation. However, the problem comes when people find themselves buying more and more because they’re trapped in a cycle of doing so, and feel they need it to continue enjoying the game. That’s when there’s risks of game addiction, people stretching their finances as they look for online payday loans and similar products that can allow them to keep buying.

 Again, there’s nothing wrong with this in theory if you genuinely enjoy a game! You’re paying for a form of entertainment; that’s legitimate. But it’s always worth asking if you truly enjoy the game, or if you’re just used to playing it now and want to continue.


#4 - More Rewards

We’ve touched above on the importance of rewards to keeping you coming back to a game. This truly can’t be overstated.

Have you ever heard of the rat experiment, where a rat had to press a level in exchange for a morsel of food? This is a popular experiment on which game developers rely. We humans will keep pressing the lever (i.e. playing the game) if we think there’s a reward for it.

That’s why games give us trophies, buttons, badges - they’re rewards for pressing the lever over and over. Even basic games like Words With Friends will give you badges for starting a set number of games or playing a certain number of opponents.

Of course, when you press the lever enough to get your reward, you’re delighted by it. It’s this, perhaps more than anything, that keeps us going back to a game. If we have to work for something, we enjoy the rewards of it all the more. It makes us feel good; like we have achieved something… even if all we’ve done is level up, win a trophy, or suchlike on a game we enjoy.

Take Your Gaming To The Next Level

We all love to get a new game for our console or computer. After all, we can then spend hours trying to complete the new game to keep up with our buddies. However, it can feel like we are getting nowhere fast when it comes to our gaming experience. And it can feel like we are falling behind while others are progressing through the levels. However, there are some ways you can ensure you become a whiz at the game. In fact, here is how to take your gaming to the next level.


Watch a stream online

It’s always good to get some tips if you want to get further ahead with your game. After all, you might get the knowledge you need to enable you to whiz past the levels and keep up with your mates. And rather than heading to get an old school manual, a lot of people are watching people playing online now instead. After all, following their gameplay can help give you the tips you need to get through difficult levels. And it can give you a heads up of what you can expect as the game progresses. There are a lot of streams for specific games that you can watch. Just search for the game and you should be able to find ones to follow. In fact, you will find a lot on Twitch which can help you get through the game. And you never know, you might become so good that you become a streamer yourself!


Find some cheats

It can feel like failure if you do hunt down some cheats for games. After all, you can feel a real sense of achievement if you get through the game yourself. But if you want to take your gaming to the next level, you might need a few tricks to get past those challenging levels. And thankfully, there are lots of sites like I Want Cheats which have some great cheats which can get you further ahead in the game. And it can help you reach the finishing line sooner rather than later. You can find reviews for certain cheats online to make sure it’s a legitimate way to move forward with the game. And once you have completed, you might want to go back and try it without the cheat!


Team up with a buddy

You might be trying to compete with your buddies to finish the game first. But there are some games which can be more rewarding if you play alongside someone else. In fact, you are more likely to proceed and get to the next level quicker with a helping hand. And there are some easy ways to play together. For one thing, you could get them over to your house to play the games. Or you might want to play an online game together. After all, you can both play the game at the same time and communicate via your headset. You might make some new friends if you do chat in the game too which is always a bonus!

Image from Pexels

And Youtube can be a godsend if you want to get further ahead with your game. After all, they put on gameplay of specific levels if you are stuck. Therefore, it could help you to finish that level and move on with the game by watching the video!

Turn These Geek Skills Into Job Opportunities

Just a few years ago, no one wanted to be labeled a ‘geek’. However, these days lots of people are proud to be called a geek. And you shouldn’t just be a geek in your personal time either. In fact, all of those geeky skills and talents that you have could translate very nicely into your full-time job. Want to know which skills it’s a good idea to try and cultivate in your geeky hobbies? Here are some of the best.

Photo: Pixabay

Tinkering With Hard Drives

Lots of geeks are very good with their hands. They use them to play around with hard drives and other hardware. But you shouldn’t leave this as just a hobby. In fact, there are now lots of companies who are desperately searching for IT workers who have practical skills in building computers and other machinery. To take this skill further, sign up for a college or night school course in computers and hardware.


Exceptional Knowledge

Lots of geeks are highly knowledgeable and have an incredible amount of information stored away in their brains! And, more often than not, all of this knowledge can be very much focused on one very unique subject. Why not use this to your advantage? It can certainly help you get some well-paid, niche work. For instance, if you know a whole lot about biology and the human body, you might want to start the Ultimate Medical Academy's Health and Human Services Program. Or, for example, if you are well-versed in the economy and finances, then you might want to join an economics program and become a financial advisor.

Photo: Pixabay

Computer Data Whizz

Geeks often know about common computer data and software. As a result of this knowledge, they are often highly skilled in wiping computer data and protecting it from potential hackers and virus attacks. This is another skill that many companies now want their employees to have. As hackers and other online security threats are becoming a lot more sophisticated, businesses want to hire people who are always one step ahead and can help to protect their computer networks. You might be surprised to see just how much this knowledge can raise your salary by!


Developing Apps

Quite a few people have now taught themselves the skills that they need to develop their own apps. For many people, this is just a hobby that they do in their spare time. If this sounds like something you do in your free time, have you ever thought about making more of a go of it and carving out your very own career in software development? You could start off as a freelancer first and then, once you have gained some experience, could start to apply for full-time work with a company.

As you can see, your geeky skills and talents don’t have to be something that you keep to your spare time. There are plenty of chances you can turn them into a very lucrative career! Got any more ideas? Let us know!

Bringing Old School Gaming Into Your Future

Would you believe that the first game console was released in 1972? It all started with the Magnavox Odyssey, and things have moved fast since then. So fast that those original 70s releases are now considered old. Before the introduction of apps and mobile gaming, you had groundbreaking consoles that changed the face of gaming forever. The good news is, many retro consoles still have their place in modern day gaming. Despite the advances that are forever being made, gamers seem to head back to the originals. It seems you just can’t beat the beginning! If you fancy a trip down memory lane, it’s time to get your retro game in gear. Here’s how to get started!

old school gaming

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No retro gaming collection would be complete without the consoles...obviously. So, these should be your first step. It’s worth noting that attaching the label of ‘retro’ to anything makes it valuable. And, with retro gaming such big business, chances are you won’t find these consoles cheap. That’s why it’s worth taking things one step at a time. Think about where you would most like to start your collection. It may be that the Sega Megadrive appeals to you the most. Or, you might want to aim for something a little more modern. Even the 90s releases of Playstation and Nintendo have earned their place in the retro hall of fame. It’s worth considering where you buy from. Sites which know how much retro consoles are worth will charge top dollar for their goods. Yet, many parents sell their kids old consoles without knowing what they’re worth. It may pay to head to yard sales, or second-hand stores. You never know, you might find a bargain!

retro video games

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Of course, the console won’t do you any good without games to play on them. And, these may be even harder to get your hands on. For the most part, people either chuck games out, or realize how much they can charge. So, chances are you’ll end up paying full whack. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a few games included when you buy your console. It’s your best bet. Otherwise, the individual prices will leave you out of pocket. Bear in mind that the rarer a game is, the more it’s going to cost you. Do your research to find out what options will cost most. Chances are you're overpaying to collect games without this catalog! And, there’s a lot of help like it available. It’s also worth checking prices in as many places as possible. Comparing costs and checking Retro Games Pricing History is the best way to ensure you’re finding bargains wherever you can.

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Of course, one of the best things about gaming is the community, right? The good news is, there’s a huge retro gaming community out there. Even better, it spans all age ranges. Newer consoles are generally followed by a younger community. But, the retro community has something for everyone. So, it’s a hobby you can take into later life with you, too!

The Arguments Every Gamer Has Had

If you’re a gamer, there are some arguments that you will most likely have had at one time or another. It’s not uncommon for gaming sessions to get heated and disagreements to arise. And sometimes the arguments are had with non-gamers too. Read on and see if you’ve ever had these arguments yourself. If you haven't, it’s only a matter of time before you do!


Which Final Fantasy Game is the Best?

This is a classic argument, and there are many other franchises that gamers argue over endlessly too. You could just as easily replace this with ‘Which Legend of Zelda Game is the Best?’ Or ‘Which Mario Game is the Greatest?’ But Final Fantasy holds a special spot in many people’s hearts, and there have been so many of them released over the years. Many people have tried to rank the games over the years, and this task in itself often results in arguments. It seems like everyone loves a particular Final Fantasy for a very specific reason. Perhaps that’s why there will never be a consensus on this issue.


PC vs. Console Gaming

PC gamers are known for being a little snobbish when it comes to their attitudes toward console gaming. They are not particularly sympathetic towards that style of gaming because they see PCs as being the truest form of gaming. If you’re new to all this, you can learn more about PC gaming at Level Up Your Gear. But most console gamers who have a friend who sticks steadfastly to PC gaming will probably have ad the argument over which is better at some point. There are some very strong views on both sides! Sometimes, it’s best to duck out of these arguments before they get too heated.

gamer arguments

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Isn’t Gaming Just for Kids?

This is one of those things that non-gamers say that really annoys people who love games. It’s an accusation that’s been around for as long as gaming has. And it hasn’t become any less stupid as the years have passed. Gaming is for people of all kinds of ages. So, when someone tries to claim that games are only for kids, it’s no surprise that people who are passionate gamers feel a need to argue back and defend themselves. Unfortunately, this attitude sums up the way in which many people who know nothing about gaming see gamers in general.


The Nintendo Argument

Some people love Nintendo, and other people seem to hate the company. These two factions have been arguing back and forth for a long time. And that argument doesn’t look like it’s about to end anytime soon. When the Wii U failed spectacularly a few years ago, it looked like some people had a point. And many Nintendo fans worried for the future of the company. However, the early success of the Switch has made some people question their previous assumptions about Nintendo. But you can be sure that the arguments between the people on each side won’t end because of this.

game arguments

Gaming on the Go

Everyone loves to play video games at home. A nice big 4K television accompanied by the latest consoles and a spacious sofa to share with your friends is perhaps the perfect environment for gamers. However, you might be a PC gamer, so a triple-monitor setup with a powerful gaming PC might be your idea of a fun night in. However, despite all of the expensive setups we invest money into for gaming at home, what about portable gaming?

Image: Pixabay


Handheld Gaming Consoles

If you remember the days of the Game Boy, then you’ll be glad to know that video game developers are still innovating and creating handheld consoles. For instance, the latest Nintendo console, the Nintendo Switch, is a new flagship gaming console that can also act as a portable gaming device. The unit consists of a screen and two control pads that clip onto the sides of the console itself. This means it can be hooked up to a TV but also act as a portable gaming device to take with you wherever you go.

This versatility makes it an excellent candidate for your next gaming console purchase. Sadly, the lineup of launch games is a little disappointing. Hopefully, the future will bring many more games that are convenient and fun to play in a handheld form factor.

However, that doesn’t mean older handhelds aren’t being supported. The Nintendo 3DS is still as popular as ever and, although the 3D mechanic turned into a marketing gimmick that had limited functionality in games, the lineup of games is as strong as ever and the price of the 3DS is getting cheaper by the year. If you don’t mind your handheld console being a little bulkier, the 2DS is a cheaper alternative to the 3DS and plays all of the same games.


Mobile Gaming

The alternate option is something that you probably already use on a regular basis—a smartphone! Although far more expensive than a gaming console, they are also much more convenient because they are smaller and you can use them for things other than gaming. For instance, you could use it to browse the internet, make phone calls, send and receive messages and listen to music, making it an all-in-one portable entertainment device.

The choice of games is also very enticing. You can check here if you want a great list of gambling games to get those money-on-the-line thrills wherever you are, or you can check a gaming website such as IGN or GameSpot for reviews of the latest big-name mobile games. There are also a lot of freemium games on mobile devices, meaning you can get a lot of entertainment for free and chose to pay for additional items or levels if you enjoy the game.

Sadly, a mobile phone is far more expensive than a handheld gaming device. If you already have a phone, you can enjoy some great mobile games but you’ll probably need an updated model if you want to play the latest 3D games and action-oriented titles. There are also some exclusive games for the traditional handhelds such as the Playstation Vita and Nintendo 3DS that might convince you to spend the cash on a portable gaming console.

Bits and Bytes: Why You Should Build a Gaming Rig

If you want to build a gaming PC, there's never been a better time. In fact, if you want to game - it's never better to do it than right now!

So it begs the question - why should you build your own gaming rig if there are plenty of options to purchase in the form of a pre-made PC or console? You can get into your gaming right away!

Well - prebuilt gaming rigs are subject to huge markups. Usually double, in fact. Check the components of the best gaming rigs you can buy right now and there's a stone cold guarantee that you could put the parts for cheaper and put the thing together yourself. In no uncertain terms - you'll pay less and get the same - especially if you were looking to buy a PC from a brand name.

Prebuilt PC's do have their benefits though, as not everyone has the time to build a computer from scratch. It can be quite scary on paper - but it is very similar to playing with building blocks. All the components slot into the motherboard and just need to be hooked up. Of course you'll need a screwdriver here and there but it sounds a lot scarier than it is. Just make sure you know what components work on your system.


Building a PC is also good as the PC is far more transparent than consoles. If a console breaks down, it needs to be sent off in order to be fixed. If your PC fails, you can simply fix the issue with a new component or work around. It's good to get your hands dirty. Shopping for parts that you need will ensure that you do your research. You'll be the expert and know the PSU that has the best lifespan or the graphics card unit that can run your favorite games. This knowledge is valuable and will allow you to solve your own issues with the computer instead of the quick fix presented by buying a computer that can't be opened up easily. Research from the ultimate guide to choosing the best and perfect monitor for gaming right through to finding out what RAM setup is best for your specification is a great way to learn more. There are plenty of issues that come with fixing your own PC, but because you have handled each part, you'll be the master of it and know exactly how it works.


Of course, building your own computer allows you to build to your exact specifications. Maybe you don't want the brand name computer thats costs one thousand extra because of some lights or a unique case? Building your own PC allows you to spend on what you want and pay more for the components that you value more. You aren't restricted in scope.

Building your own gaming PC is also incredibly satisfying. Once you pile all your components into the case, start it up and play your games - just know that you, and you only, made it all possible.