Higher Ed Geek

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Weekly Geek Outs - 07/29/16


Back after a break last week to update you all on what's going on in my world:

  • Work

I've been at my new job for almost three months now. It has settled down a bit after my initial training and kicking off of my first academic module. I've had time to reflect and process and start to connect with my coworkers more. I'm looking forward to improving for our next on-boarding process here soon and to continue to support my students as best as I can. This job has been pretty great so far and I look forward to celebrating more milestones and holidays with my team. It's hard to start something new, but I'm very grateful for this awesome opportunity. Nothing is ever perfect, but this company is exactly what I was looking for right now.

  • Life

Getting used to life in a new area is never easy. I've realized I struggle with this perhaps a bit more than others. I appreciate a routine and knowing my way around. I have to restart with getting haircuts, medical appointments, and now have to worry about stuff with my own apartment. I was spoiled with my on-campus apartments for years, and now I have to handle a bit more of the "real world". I have to admit, it's been stressful to handle since I put a lot of pressure on myself and haven't been patient with giving things time. I just want everything to be perfect right away, especially as me and my partner are working to build a life together. I know the sort of future I want for us, and I can't wait to be there with her. I know it will come with time and work, since nothing worthwhile comes easy.

  • Thoughts

Where my life is now, I would have never guessed I'd be here if you asked me where I thought I'd be when I was younger. I thought I'd be a high school history teacher, since the first time I felt excited about a possible career was watching my own teachers do amazing work. I've always had a reverence for education and see myself always working in the industry one way or another. What I do now is something I wouldn't have ever even known about back in college. I've gone where the wind takes me and followed my heart with what I felt was right. I've gotten more opportunities and done more than I ever would have thought possible. I grew up with my world being very small, and I look forward to it continuing to grow through personal growth, exploration, and experiences that I can't even fathom yet.

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