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Six Signs That You May Be Addicted to Gaming

In the past few decades, the world of gaming has exploded and there are more people than ever before playing the latest exciting games releases. While for the most part gaming is a positive thing that provides hours of entertainment, there is a growing concern that some people may be becoming obsessed with gaming. While this is not classed as an official clinical problem, there are some tell-tale signs that this is something that you may be experiencing. Below, you can find out more about these signs and some of the ways in which you make gaming less severe on your health.


Like any other addiction, it is first of all mainly a psychological issue that you need to deal with. If you are finding that gaming is overtaking your life and that you feel unable to control this then it may be time for you to seek help.

Physical Health Problems  

If you are spending hours upon hours sitting on an uncomfortable chair playing games, this can quickly lead to a whole host of chronic problems including neck pain, back ache and eye strain. If you frequently find that you are experiencing pain while playing or afterwards, then this could be a sign that you are spending too much time gaming. In this case, you may also want to invest in a gaming chair as this will help to alleviate many health problems with its well-thought out design and extra cushioning. You should take a look at a site such as www.bestgamingchair.com to find a range of reviews on gaming chairs, so you can choose the one that will best suit you.

Problems with Family and Friends

Another common sign that you are gaming too much is that it is causing problems within your family. Daily arguments can be a common occurrence and you may start to neglect other family responsibilities from spending too much time playing games.


Gaming can be very costly and you can quickly spend thousands buying the latest game releases and consoles. This can have a big impact on your wallet. Not only that, if you are prioritising gaming over your job responsibilities, are showing up to work late, playing games at work or missing work altogether, this can lead to job loss which can have a massive financial impact on your life. If you find yourself starting to do any of these or you are considering it, then this could be a sign that you need help.


Similarly, to missing work, younger people may be missing out on their education if they are playing games in classes or not turning up to school or university to game instead. This can also include missing deadlines, putting off studying and rushing through assignments to then start gaming again.

Social Interactions

When someone is addicted to video games, the will tend to spend more and more time in front of the screen and less and less time socialising with friends and family. This can lead to feeling disconnected from the world around you and is a major sign that you are spending too much time playing video games.