Higher Ed Geek

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Returning to Card Games

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I really didn’t expect to be getting back into card games lately.

It started as research for a project I am working on, but now I find myself going back to card games, whether on my computer or at my desk, to help pass the time and unwind.

These days, it is so important to find time to relax that allow us to focus and shut out the noisy world outside. Card games are a great way to do that. They can be played solo or with others, can be quick to setup, and are easy to keep fresh since games often don’t last long. They also balance skill and luck, which I like. I don’t tend to do anything enough to get really good at it, so anything that partially takes that out of the equation is great for me.

I’ve found the classic Solitaire to be my go to. I remember playing it a lot when I was younger so coming back to it now is quite nostalgic. It took me a couple of rounds at first but it was great to finally win a game.

I definitely encourage you to grab a deck of cards or get on your computer to check out your favorite card game again. You’ll thank me later.