Higher Ed Geek

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Integrating Meditation into our Daily Lives

The world can be a loud, distracting, and stressful place, especially during our current global crisis.

It’s that much more important now to make sure we take deliberate time to slow down and center ourselves through meditation. I know I’ve been skeptical of meditation in the past but after starting with it myself the past few years, it has been a powerful tool to help me to relax and unwind after long days. It is also a great quick way to take some time purely for yourself. Meditation can be an amazing and guilt-free way to get some self-care!

There are a lot of great tools to integrate guided meditation into our daily lives, such as the aptly named Declutter The Mind. You can download this onto your smartphone and listen to fresh daily meditations or other content contoured to your needs. This helps allow for meditation to fit in more naturally versus forcing it in, which is less likely to be retained.

Meditation is personal and needs to be something that is sustainable for us as a daily habit. It’s not about perfection, but about listening to ourselves to try to be more present and mindful. I highly recommend checking out an app to do this, and Declutter The Mind is a great option.