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How Visualization Can Help You Achieve Your Goals


Whether it is at work or everyday life, we all want to hit our goals. Hitting goals is an important feature of success both internally and externally. The problem comes with outing the words into practice. Saying we are going to achieve what we want to achieve in life isn’t as simple as having a positive mental attitude. There are a lot of factors involved in hitting your goals, and visualization is one. Here’s how visualizing can help you walk the walk.


It Gives You A Map

The reason that achieving success is so hard is the lack of a starting point. When we think of anything that is hard in life we often find that we don’t know where to start. Not only that, but we have no clue how we should start. The average person needs a map to success because a map is a directional tool. Visualization is that map, or at least it is the starting point that we all crave. When we visualize what we want, we think and plan in our mind’s eye. That plans morphs into something tangible that we can put into practice. It is only a small change yet it makes all the difference.


Humans Work Better With Imagery

It isn’t uncommon to hear someone say they work better when they can picture it in their head. The truth is that most people will agree with this statement because that’s the way our brains are wired. Sure, some people can do it without a picture, but they are in the minority. When we see something clearly in our mind, we instantly know what moves to make. That’s why marketing pitches include slide show presentations and models with 3D people. They are projecting their ideas onto the rest of the group by showing them the relevant images.


It Seems Real

The pictures in our head not only seem real, but they are also real. At least, they are real to us or the closest thing we can get to reality. Humans don’t deal well with fake things because they are easy to see and disprove. It’s one of the reasons people with surgery get so much bad press. What we can’t disprove, or don’t want to, is what we see in our heads. And because it seems real we are happy to try our hardest to bring it into the real world. Anyway, who says it isn’t real? After all, our reality is what we decide in our heads.


We’re Told It Works

We have been told for the past few years that visualizing is the key to success. The more it is drilled into the brain, the more we believe it to be true. An accredited psychologist could tell you that everything you have heard about visualization is false and it doesn’t work. Even then you wouldn’t be one hundred percent convinced they were right.

And maybe they wouldn’t be right because what works for us isn’t false.