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How To Memorize Important Info For Your Exams

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Does anyone enjoy sitting exams? To be honest, they can sometimes be better than writing essays, but there's one key thing about exams that grinds a lot of gears. Instead of being a knowledge test, they end up being memory tests. In no part of life will you ever be required to remember information on the spot - you always have a chance to look things up if needed. The most important thing is that you actually understand what you're talking about. 

As such, sitting exams can be horrible if your memory is poor or you struggle to think during the exam conditions. With the three ideas below, you should learn how to memorize important things for your exams, so you can start acing them!


Flashcards are an easy way to remember things a lot better than reading through old notes. You can make them yourself, or you can find apps and online resources that have pre-made flashcards for your topic of choice. Effectively, you have a question on the front and an answer on the back. You keep going through these flashcards until you drill the answers to the questions in your head. When you're in the exam, you can see questions that include words that you're used to seeing on the flashcards, triggering your memory and revealing the answer on the back. It really does help!


For a lot of students, reading textbooks and making notes isn't mentally stimulating enough to get you to remember things. Instead, you can get a lot more out of your studies by watching videos. Look for videos on the topics you're studying, and they can offer visual stimulation that helps you make sense of things. Right away, you have a better time remembering key bits of information as you can recall the video in your head. It is so helpful to have that visual aid imprinted on your mind when you sit an exam. 


Lastly, you can try to memorize information by using rhymes. Funnily enough, this is one of the earliest ways we used to memorize things as kids. Creating rhymes is fun, and it gets little tunes stuck in your head that you can repeat over and over again. The great news is, anyone can make up rhymes for anything. All you need is a rhyme dictionary, and you're good to go. Look at the points or topics that you need to memorize, and try to create a rhyme or rap about them. It engages you on a creative level, meaning you are more likely to remember what you're talking about. Try it, and you will kick yourself for not doing it sooner.

There you have it; three ways to help you memorize important things for your exams. Yes, it is annoying that this is a memory test more than anything else, but these tactics will ensure you store the information in your brain. One quick question before we end: if you were given the choice between taking an exam or writing an essay, which would you choose and why?