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How To Get More Podcast Listeners

Podcasts are all the rage and have taken the place of talk radio for many of us. With our busy lives, podcasts are a great way to feel connected with others while we work, exercise, make dinner, or relax. If you’ve had your own podcast for a while or are just getting started, the question of how to get more podcast listeners tuned in is a large part of your daily thoughts. Let’s look at some ways a podcaster can make that happen. 

Do You Have What It Takes?

Beyond your dazzling personality, do you have all the necessities for a successful podcast? Prepare with the essentials before you start searching for listeners. It’s best to have everything needed for a quality podcast from the beginning, rather than winging it while you figure out what’s required. 

Build Your Collection

For starters, don’t go looking for podcast fans if you don’t have much to offer yet. Work on creating several podcast episodes (about four or five) before putting the first one out there. Then as you continue to make more, you’ll have a head start as you release the ones you’ve already made. This allows listeners to see they can count on you for new conversations consistently. Listeners give up and move on to someone else if there’s nothing available. 

Stock up on Images and Quotes

Just like with the podcast itself, plan by jotting down quotes you’d like to share and saving images that go well with your podcast. It’s time-consuming to constantly search for images and quotes to go with things or use for promotion. Take the time to store some away. Remember that pictures and quotes are quick ways to keep your podcast at the top of someone’s mind. 

Create a Trailer

Don’t underestimate yourself. Giving potential listeners a little taste of what’s to come entices them to check it out. Create a little snippet of the up-and-coming podcast episode so listeners know what to expect and can look forward to it. 

Promote, Promote, Promote

Maybe one day, social media will feel overdone; for now, it’s still your best bet for promoting just about everything. You most likely have hundreds, maybe thousands of “friends” on social media. Put that avenue to work for your podcast. Promote regularly using your quotes, images, and trailer. 

Stay Consistent

Once you’ve built a fan base, let them know they can count on you for current and regular material. Set a schedule for creating and releasing podcasts and stick to it. There are millions of podcasts to choose from, and we live in an instant gratification society. When we’re ready to listen, we’ll gravitate toward the podcast that’s ready to go. 

Using our tips to get more podcast listeners consistently will likely increase your audience. An important thing to remember is to have patience. Everyone’s podcast grows at a different rate. Remember why you started the podcast and enjoy the process as you speak to others about your passions.