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Helping Yourself: Choosing A Career That Helps You & Others

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It’s only natural to want to change the world. Most people can see things wrong with the way that society works, and the idea of being the catalyst for improvements can seem like a grand one. Of course, though, at the same time, you will probably also have personal ambitions that you want to fulfil in your life. To help you to achieve both of these goals, this post will be exploring a range of different careers that can be used to both make the world better and help you to achieve the goals you set for yourself. Helping the world doesn’t mean that you can’t help yourself.

Health Work

The field of health and medicine is expanding all the time, and there is a great need for people with all sorts of skills to fill the roles that are available. Alongside the healthcare professionals that do the work everyone sees, there are also administrators, technology geniuses, and a huge range of other professionals working to keep the world healthy. You can find degree programs across the web that are designed to help you to break into this industry, and this gives you the chance to pick and choose exactly what you’d like to do to make this part of society better. Some of these jobs are extremely well-paid.


Teachers often get a rough deal when it comes to their income, and this is obvious when you see how much they get paid. Of course, though, at the same time, they also get long holidays and will often get the chance to have a shorter working day than normal people. There are loads of different teaching roles available in the world, and you can often find one that will enable you to influence education without actually having to teach anything. You will have the opportunity to make a lot of people’s lives better by working as a teacher, while also having the chance to earn a good wage at the same time.


Finally, as the last area to consider, it’s time to think about politics. This can be a double-edged sword, as those working in this field can easily run the risk of having their voice squashed if they don’t take the right action. Being a good politician is all about being honest, listening to those who have chosen you, and working to improve your local area without expected big rewards. Of course, though, you will still be rewarded for work like this, with a career in politics giving you the chance to retire earlier than most, with a nice big pension alongside it.

Being successful doesn’t always mean that someone has made loads of money. If you like your job and the work you do each day, you can consider this to be successful, and this will only get better if you’re able to help other people at the same time. Money is never as important as the satisfaction you feel.