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Be More Productive With Your Massive Screentime

How long do you spend staring at a computer screen each day? The answer might surprise you. The latest research suggests that the average person spends a little under four hours staring at their phone screen each day. Do note, that’s only your phone screen. You could also be spending even more time staring at the screen in your office or your desktop that you have at home. However, this means that the majority of people are wasting at least 50 hours of their life staring at a phone screen. That is concerning and when we say wasted, we mean it. Technology such as your phone can be a useful resource. You can use it to get your career on the right track, earn more money, improve their social life or get creative. But most people don’t do this. Instead, the majority of people spend their time doom scrolling which isn’t fun or useful. So, how can you ensure that you are a little more productive with your massive level of screen time? Well, we’ve got some ideas that are definitely worth considering here. 

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Download A Screen Tracking Software Solution 

First, you might want to consider downloading a screen usage tracking application. Some phones like iPhones come with these installed. But for others, you will need to make sure that you get the right separate app. The big benefit of an app like this is that you will find out exactly where you’re wasting your time and you’ll be able to correct the situation. It’s possible that you spend far too much of your time on social media. Well, that’s an easy fix. 

We recommend that you think about trying a social media detox. A lot of people are amazed by how much better they feel after taking a step like this and it could work for you too. 

Or, you might want to think about blocking some of the websites that you might find a little too addictive or distracting. There could be lots of examples here such as news sites or more likely, entertainment sites. How much of your time do you spend scrolling reading about the life of celebs? Probably too much. It might be time to start thinking about cutting back. 

Limit Your Screen Time 

Before we think about the ways that you can gain the greatest benefits from your screen time let’s explore some of the options to limit it. We think you’ll agree that your screen time is at least a little higher than it should be. So, how can you reduce issues here?

Well, you might want to think about removing tech from certain situations. For instance, you could have a rule in your home about using tech around your kids. That way, you can make sure that you are giving them the right level of attention that they need and that they deserve. Another possibility would be to think about having a curfew on tech. Think about switching off tech at a certain point before your head hits the pillow. If you don’t do this, then you could find tech completely disrupts your sleep pattern. Various studies show that the wrong tech can stop you from reaching the deepest levels of sleep due to the energy it emits. So, it could leave you feeling exhausted when you wake up in the morning, even after you have slept for hours.

Now, let’s explore some of the best ways that you can make the most out of that remaining screen time. 

Use Social Media Effective

Social media can be a rabbit hole and it’s far too easy to get lost here, wandering through endless accounts and opinions. Worst still you could get embroiled in arguments that - if you thought about it for a moment - you’re not that interested in at all. This is one of the worst ways to waste your time with your tech, but it’s easy to make sure that you avoid the issues here.

Instead of using social media to scroll endlessly, think about it like a resource that can benefit you. One of the main benefits of social media is that it can be used to build up links, connections and networks overtime. This can strengthen your position in business and ensure that you are able to form the right connections on the market that employers want. It will even make you more hireable. Certain social networks are always going to be more useful to you than others. For instance, you might want to focus the majority of your time on LinkedIN. However, there are other possibilities that are worth considering as well. For instance, you could think about using Twitter the right way. Twitter is great for sending out updates. Rather than telling people what you ate last night. Let them know about your current work situation. This might, if you’re lucky, lead to you getting headhunted. 

Start A Blog

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A little further down, we’ll discuss some of the ways that you can use your screen time to start making some extra cash. Running a blog can definitely be a way to increase your income, but it wouldn’t be accurate to say that this is the only benefit. Running a blog can be therapeutic and help you get some of your thoughts and feelings out so that they don’t eat you alive. It’s also a great place to share your opinions. That is, we think, a tad more constructive than somewhere like Twitter. 

You might think that it’s difficult to set up your own blog and get it running along the right track. But we’re delighted to say that this isn’t the case. Instead, you can set up a blog with limited to know experience and still see fantastic results here. There are even templates that can shorten the startup time to minutes here. However, if you want to see the greatest benefits from your blog, we don’t recommend you do this at all. Instead, consider thinking about hiring a pro designer to create it for you. This is going to help your blog standout a little more which is useful if you do want to make some cash. 

Make Some Money 

Using social media the right way could provide the side benefit of helping you earn some extra money. Running a blog could also allow you to increase your income with a successful little side hustle. You just need to make sure that you understand how to monetize it. This is possible by guaranteeing that you have great content which is guaranteed to resonate with your target audience. You can then reach out to different businesses to see if they want to utilize your blog in a mutually beneficial partnership. This will usually take the form of something like reviews. This isn’t the only way to make money with the time you spend on your tech of course. 

You could also explore options such as gaming website. Once you know how to use BetRivers bonus codes and similar possibilities, you’ll soon see that you can increase your funds. You just need to make sure that you are never playing with more than you can afford to lose. 

Of course, if we’re talking about losing and gaining money on tech, then it’s worth thinking about different investment opportunities. Perhaps you have decided that it’s time to start thinking about getting involved in the crypto market. This is possible with the tech at your fingertips. There are lots of platforms that will allow you to invest in crypto in a matter of seconds. The benefit of taking a step like this is that it means you don’t have to worry about missing out on a massive opportunity. There’s definitely a lot of buzz around crypto right now, particularly for new investors ready to get their first taste. 

Play Games 

Finally, it might seem like it’s a waste of time, but studies show that using your time to play games can be hugely beneficial. Certain games will help you improve your problem solving abilities. This could benefit you in your personal and professional life. Other games can be used to ensure that you are able to keep your brain healthy. That’s important as you reach the later years of aging. You should think about keeping your mind active and games are a great way to do it. 

It’s easy to assume that you are getting nothing from gaining. But the latest research simply does not support that particular notion at all. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you must take to ensure that you are getting more out of your screen time. If you explore the best options here, then you will be able to guarantee that you are not wasting the fifty days that you spend staring at your phone. Instead, you can use that time to improve various aspects of your life. You just need to be willing to take those crucial first steps. 

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