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Alternative Ways To Boost Your Mental Health

Photo by Madison Inouye from Pexels

Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, yet we so often overlook it. We know it’s vital to eat well, get regular exercise and to look after our hearts. However, when it comes to our emotional wellbeing, many of us will put it on the back burner and use the time we should be spending on ourselves, focussed on work, other people or our family duties. 

When our mental health suffers, it can lead to a decline in physical health. We may lose interest in the things we used to love. We might start making bad decisions in our lives, such as jumping from a bad relationship straight into another bad relationship, instead of working on ourselves and improving who we are. We may even start to withdraw from our friends and spend too much time worrying or feeling anxious. If this sounds like you, then you need to take action. 

The first steps might be to speak to a counsellor or therapist about how you are feeling especially if you experience constant anxiety or a feeling that you can’t cope. Taking some time out to work through any issues you may have could help you to get on top of any repeated cycles of behaviour and allow you to move forward positively. It will also help you to find inner peace with yourself.

Many people recommend meditation for mindfulness. However, this isn’t everyone's idea of a relaxing or enjoyable way to spend your time. It can be frustrating for some people; trying to silence the worries in your mind by sitting quietly might make the voices in your head seem much louder! If meditation isn’t for you, there are other ways you can take time out and completely relax your mind. 

Starting a new hobby or trying something you have always wanted to do is a constructive way of improving yourself and giving your mind a break to focus entirely on something else. There are some great courses that can teach you piano in 21 days, or you could find an online course and learn how to strip and rebuild an engine. It doesn’t matter what it is, providing you are focussed on the task for at least an hour and it keeps all of your anxiety out of your head. 

Another great alternative to meditation is walking. Simply putting on some hiking boots and heading into the hills. Walking is a great mood booster, especially if you head somewhere in the country or along a coastline. Fresh air will clear your head and endorphins are released when we exercise, and this will increase your feeling of happiness and help you to focus on the little things that matter instead of the worries that build up in your mind.

Taking the time to improve our mental health is vital for a happier and healthier life, so take steps to increase your happiness and soon you will feel empowered, strong and ready to take on the world.