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5 Ways To Improve Your Career Prospects While You're At College

The number of people that go on to further education and earn a degree is higher than it ever has been, and that’s a good thing. More people are getting an education, which benefits society as a whole. However, it does make things a little more difficult for graduates when it comes to finding a job. In the past, having a degree was quite rare, which means that anybody that had one could easily land a great job. But now that a lot of people are getting degrees, the competition is fierce and you need to do something special to make yourself stand out. 

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If you want to increase your job prospects after you graduate, you need to start while you are still at college. It may be a bit too late if you wait until after you graduate to think about this stuff, but there are some simple things that you can do during college to improve your chances of landing a great career. 

Join Clubs 

There are so many great clubs and societies at college, and if you haven’t joined any yet, you should consider it. Even though they are a great opportunity to meet new people and socialize, they are also a good way to improve your job prospects. Joining clubs and societies helps you to learn a lot of soft skills, like teamwork and interpersonal skills, and if you take on a more important role, it shows that you are responsible. For example, most societies require a treasurer of some kind, or somebody to organize events. If you fill these positions, you learn a lot of practical skills that make you a more valuable employee. Having interesting hobbies also makes you a more interesting candidate, which is so important when employers are interviewing lots of people that all have the same qualifications because it sets you apart from the rest of the candidates. 

Learn Outside Your Degree 

You are at college to learn and get your degree, but the classroom isn’t the only place that you can learn. Everybody that you go up against in interviews will have the same degree that you do, which is why education is the key to success even outside of college. The people that get furthest in their careers are the ones that take the time to continue learning after they graduate so they are always improving their skills. But you can start this process while you are still at college if you look for educational opportunities outside of your degree. Clubs and societies are a good start, but you should also look for online courses that you could do as well to improve your skills. However, it’s important that you keep a good balance and put your degree studies first. 

Look For Internships 

Everybody enjoys taking some well deserved time off during the summer, but when you are about to start your final year at college, you should consider looking for some internships instead. Many employers worry about the lack of practical experience that students have and, even though they learned a lot during their degree, they don’t always know how to use that knowledge in a real world situation. But if you can find an internship in your chosen field, it will give you a real boost. It helps your studies because it allows you to put what you’ve learned into practice, and when you start applying for jobs, you will have a big advantage because you have some work experience already. 

Use The College Career Service 

Most colleges have a career service to help students decide what they want to do after they graduate and give them advice on how to reach their career goals. It’s important that you take advantage of this service while you can. A careers advisor will tell you what courses you should be taking and give you some tips on other things that you can do to boost your chances of landing your dream job when you graduate. 

Consider Your Other Options 

Although it’s important to have goals and aspirations, it doesn’t hurt to have a backup plan. If you are trying to get into a very competitive field, there is a chance that you may not be able to find any positions, so you need to think about your other options. Are there any other careers that you could consider? Do you like the idea of starting your own business instead? If you have a few different options lined up, you increase your chances of success. 

Don’t wait until after graduation before you start thinking about a career. Get started while you are at college and you can boost your career prospects in a big way.