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3 Tips For Writing An Essay Without Distractions

When you are enrolled in higher education, there will usually (although this might depend on the course you are studying) be times when you need to write an essay. Unless you employ the help of an essay writing service, you will need to find a way to remove any distractions from around you, since the essay will be important and could even be the difference between a pass and a fail. With that in mind, here are some of the best ways to write an essay without distractions. 

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels


Do Your Research First 

Research is going to be a hugely important part of any essay, no matter what the topic might be, and even if you’re an expert in the subject. Before you even think about writing anything down, make sure you have done all your research, have all your notes, and know who to credit for the information. Once you have completed your research, you can then move on to writing the content of the essay without having to keep stopping to look up information and check that you’ve included the correct information. 


When you research first, you’ll know just where the essay will be going and what information to include as well as what conclusion you intend to draw. You won’t have to keep stopping, interrupting the flow of ideas, and you will complete the work much more quickly and with fewer mistakes. As an added benefit, once you have done your research, you can turn off the internet because you’ll no longer need it, and it won’t be such a distraction. 


Find A Writing Room

Although it’s possible to do some work with other people around you, when it comes to writing an essay, you need to give it your full concentration, and that means finding a quiet space by yourself to complete the work. Having a room you can go to and shut the door so you can concentrate is the best thing you can have if you want to work with no distractions. 


Make the room comfortable so you can sit for as long as it takes to get the essay done (although breaks every hour or so are essential – ten minutes of moving around will help you stay focused and productive, plus it’s healthy), and you will find that you can really get into the work you have to do and you won’t be distracted by anything else going on around you. 


Turn Off Background Noise

Do you like to write essays with the radio on or even the TV to keep you company? Many people do, and it can become a habit that is hard to break. Even if you think this background noise isn’t affecting your concentration in any way, the truth is that it will be – subconsciously, you will be able to hear it, and it will distract you. What could be an outstanding essay might turn out to be mediocre simply because you’ve got some music on while you write. 


Turn everything off and wear headphones if you need to. The quieter your writing space is, the better your essay will be. It will also take much less time to write it, so you’ll be free to listen to as much music or watch as much TV as you want once it’s done.