Higher Ed Geek

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What I'm Geeking Out About This Week - 12/11/15


Here's what is going on in my world this week:

  • Agents of SHIELD

The mid-season finale of SHIELD was this week (as well as Flash and Arrow) but just for the sake of simplicity, I'll focus on SHIELD since I talked about Flarrow last week. This week's episode of SHIELD was a solid one, more or less resolving the plot thread of the planet we found Simmons on, giving some answers about the "monster", and getting Daisy's (small) team together for the first time. While SHIELD isn't nearly as good as Daredevil or Jessica Jones (and I wish they played together at all), it is still a solidly enjoyable show that I feel like is continually acknowledging and embracing it's comic book roots more often. I'm glad I can have Agent Carter coming back in a few weeks to keep me engrossed until SHIELD comes back in a few months.

  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens

In a week, the nationwide US release of this long awaited movie will be upon us. I have tickets for an early screening on Thursday night here in Maine, which I am very excited for. I've known for a while I'd definitely be seeing this movie, so I have been avoiding some of the trailers and clips to try to go in fresh. Even so, the trailers that I have seen have done a great job of getting me excited while not spoiling much.  Movies nowadays tend to reveal too much in hopes of getting people to to theater, but Force Awakens has done well keeping some mystery and bringing my cautious optimism around. I'll be sure to share my detailed thoughts with you all here on the blog!

  • Winter Break

I'll be traveling down with my partner, Jenn, to New Jersey, Delaware, and New York for the winter holidays. I'll be taking a break from the blog during this time for the most part, jumping back into the normal routine after New Years. I'm excited to get back to the place I called home for two years, and where my partner called home for her whole life before we came up to Maine. We will see old friends, my brother and his fiance, my partner's family, and go to all the places we have missed visiting being away. Stay tuned for plenty of pictures on social media!

Thanks for stopping by!